Chapter 11

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When (y/n) and I got back home, my mom was waiting for us. There wasn't anyone in the lobby area. Thank God. Now what am I going to tell her?

I closed the big front door and set her stuff on the floor.

"She's staying with us now. She has her stuff, she didn't have much to pack." I said as I held up one of (y/n)'s bags.

Mom immediately embraced (y/n), soothing her worries and fears away. I would be scared too. An 18 year old, never knowing she was being poisoned by the person she trusted the most.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Umm so, we're going to the place that (y/n) was born."

"How long does it take?"

"T-two weeks."

"Do you know what place you're going?"

"Uhh." Well yeah because a fish SWAM into my mind and told me. Get it? Swam into my- yeah I know, I'm not funny. "Y-yeah I do."

"Where? Who all is coming along?"

"A-Amerburn. I gave Doc until tomorrow morning, but me, (y/n), Amelia, and Silver if we can find him at the airport."

Mom pulled away, kissing (y/n)'s forehead and smiled down towards her. "I'm coming with you."

(Y/n)'s eyes changed from teal ish gray to light green. She smiled softly with tears falling down and hugged Mom's middle again.

I was shocked at her response. "What?? No, Mom, it's too dangerous! And you have the Benbow to run!"

Mom turned to me and patted (y/n)'s back. "B.E.N. can do it. He's very skilled and he's done it plenty of times when I was sick. I'm sure he'll be fine with it. Besides, if you can't find your friend, who's going to be your cook?"

I sighed, giving up on arguing with her. When she makes a decision, she sticks with it, no matter what. "Alright Mom.."

This time she hugged me tightly as (y/n) went upstairs to her room with her stuff. I wrapped my arms around her torso. "I-I just want you safe...I want you to be safe like last time."

"And I want you safe. You realize how many times I worried about you when you were gone last time?" She hugged me tighter.

"Yeah...." I snuggled in her arm.

"And I can see it as a way to spend time with you. You've always been cooped up in your room since you've graduated."

"Yeah you're right. You can come."

Our moment ended when we heard a high pitch scream. I rushed up the stairs, tripping on a few stairs and bursting into (y/n)'s room. "(Y/n)! What's-"

She rushed to me, scared and shaking. On her bedsheet, there was 'Beware of Me' written with blood. If I had to guess, someone went in here and pulled a mean trick on her. But why with blood??

I stared down at her pitch black eyes. She's really scared. Wish I could do someth....wait I can! She can stay with me! I'm sure me and Morphie can watch over her.

"You can stay with me. I'll let the police figure this out. Here." I grabbed her things and went to my room, setting them in my closet.

"If you're going to be living with me, I'll have to clean up a bit." I said, referring to the tools and unfinished projects. She smiled a bit. I smiled back at her as I went up to hug her again.

I surprised myself with hugging her. I don't even like physical contact, myself, and here I am, willingly hugging on her.

"I promise I will take care of you and keep you safe."

I kissed her forehead and smiled at her. She looked up at me with her black eyes. I love the way they shimmer. They're beautiful. She's beautiful. Scared or not.

I was leaning in slowly when she stopped me. "Do you hear that?" She whispered.

There was a moment of silence, nothing but silence. She turned back to me, shrugging. "I guess I heard your mom getting ready for the trip."

I smiled as I pulled away. "Let's get ready too. It's two weeks, so we can pack maybe three change of clothes for each of us." (Y/n) went to my closet, getting her clothes. "I only have about two. The rest of these are full of my favorite books and sketchbooks."

I nodded, in surprise, and said, "Then I'll pack four for me, and you pack what you have."

She pulled out two plaid shirts and leggings. I bet she only has the boots she's wearing. I glanced over to her again when she was pulling out some...undergarments. I blushed badly, turning back around to pack the rest of my stuff, plus an extra outfit for (y/n).

After a few minutes, (y/n) tapped on my shoulder and held out her clothes. They were neatly folded. I grabbed them and put them in my bag. We got a few more things, like toothbrushes and my multi-knife I created and tossed our bag near my door. "Alright now we're ready. (N/n), why don't you show me your drawings. I'm sure they're-"

I turned around to find her fast asleep in the floor. I laughed softly as I picked her up and laid her down on my bed. I swear she could fall asleep anywhere at any time.

Her arms wrapped around my neck and I blushed. "Please s-stay...don't go..." she whispered in my ear, making me shiver from her breathing against my neck.

I took off my shoes and climbed into bed with her. "I told you I promise I would take care of you and keep you safe."

She smiled as her tiny fingers intertwined with mine and laid her head on my chest. I pulled her closer, kissing her forehead.

Am I falling for her? I keep kissing her forehead. I keep her close to me. I hug her all the time. I keep promises with her. I let her SLEEP with me in my bed. I cuddle her...

I AM falling for her...

I hope she doesn't betray me like Kate...

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