Part 1- Prologue

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The Image doesn't belong to me I think it belongs to this person . If you don't want me using your art/ pictures tell me and I will take it down. This is the steak that's mentioned later in the chapter.

A/N So this part is set directly where the last book set off. I actually wrote this part after chapter 2 and 3 so the introduction to this story is next chapter! Anyway on with the story.

My parents looked terrified. Well I suppose that was to be expected when a giant scary looking monster storms through the door and starts talking to you. I look around the lounge room and notice that almost every picture on the wall is one of me. When I was human and before all of this happened. I go to pick up the one closest to me. Just before I can touch it I hear Dad say.

"P-please... I don't know who or w-what you are... but please, don't touch those pictures... they are all we have left... o-of our daughter" (Yes I know there are some readers of my book who are male and I should have talked about this sooner but to be honest I wrote this book for female readers but if you are male you can just read it as son is you want to. If this sort of stuff happens in the future you can just do the same thing if you want). He looked just about ready to pass out but I was impressed that he would even try to talk to me. 

"Do not worry for you do not have to only remember your daughter now." I say in my deep voice.

"W-what do you mean? She went missing over 6 months ago." Said mum. Well now I know how long I have been gone.

"Well she isn't anymore..."

"You mean she's been found, do you know where she is?"

"No, you misunderstand. I am Y/N"

"H-how? Your n-not human..."

"What? And your daughter is?"

"W-well sort of..."

"Is it a bit hard to explain because she has these?" I say as I summon my Royal Wings.

"Y-Y/ N is that really you?"

"Yea mum it is..." 

"Why do you look like... well... umm"

"Not human?"

"Well yea..."

"As I said its a long story." 

"Well umm I don't know how this is going to work, I mean like your not going to fit into your room now."

"Oh don't worry I don't always look like this I can look like I am human its just that it can be bad to do it when I am injured."


"Well umm yea?" I say as a gesture to the many bullet wounds and my foot. 

"OH MY GOD Y/N! Come into the kitchen and I will try and help!"

"No mum its fine I can fix it myself see?" At that exact moment as I try to walk I slip on my own blood and knock myself out on the floor. I wake up to being on the kitchen floor with bandages all over the bullet wounds. I look down and see that the major injury on my foot has been sewed up and also has a bandage on it. I grown as I sit up and my Dad comes rushing in. 

"Whoa lay back down. You need to rest."

"Naa dad I am fine."

"You said that 2 days ago when you fell over."

"2 DAYS!"

"Yes you got a pretty nasty bump to the head."

"Well Ok fair enough but I would still like to try transforming."

"Into what?"

"My human form"

"Oh ok..."

"Can you get Mum in here?"

"Yep sure." I lay back down as I waited for them. When the walked in I slowly sat back up again. Before either of them could try to stop me I started transforming. I decided to go slowly so that it would be less pain full. First the size changed and my clothes appeared. Then my horns and tail shrank back down into my body. Then I felt my hands, feet and jaw change. Finally my skin colour changed back to normal and I felt my teeth shrink. I opened my eye and looked at my parents. They where crying, this was the final proof that I was Y/ N. They ran forward and hugged me tightly. 

"Ouch! Please injured daughter here." They quickly let go and I stood up. 

"Ok so now that your normal size would you like to go lie down in your bed?" Says mum

"Yes please" I say. We all walk up to my room and I look around. It's all perfectly clean with a bed in one corner and the Windows open. There is a desk in one corner that has a computer on it. It looked like all my old clothes are in a wardrobe that's in a corner. There is also a blank pin board opposite the desk. I walk in and look around. I look back to my parents and say. "Thank you!" I go over and fall onto my bed. I am asleep before my head hits the pillow. I woke up to a soft breeze coming in thorough the window. I half expected to hear a ghast or a zombie pigman but it was surprisingly quite. Then I remembered. I sighed as I got out of bed and had a shower. It had taken me a while to get up the courage to see if water affected me in my human form. Luckily it doesn't nearly as much. It still really hurts on a open wound and if I am wet for too long my skin can become really red. So I go down for breakfast and stop for a second. I hadn't had a normal human breakfast in a long time. I had been eating a almost exclusive carnivore diet. I already new that the only non meat product that my Titan form can eat is Chorus Fruit but Vallron had been trying to get my human form also on a carnivore diet because he said its 'better for the mind' or something. So this would be a weird. Anyway I sat down to eat breakfast and found that I didn't really like the stuff I used to enjoy. So I just transformed and went to the fridge and grabbed a raw steak which other than Chorus fruit was my favourite food in this form. Just as I sunk my teeth into he first bite mum walked in. We sort of just awkwardly stared at each other for about a minute. I could feel the blood running out of the corner of my mouth so I tried to use my tongue to stop it but that just made an even bigger mess. Then my mother started laughing and walked back out again. I then just shoved the whole thing in my mouth bones and all. I then thought, well that was a interesting breakfast.

A/N Again everything will be explained next chapter. An way see you later Dragon Champions! 

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