The Wu Family

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At the hospital....

Sehun's POV

I opened my eyes and surprised to see myself in a hospital bed with bruises all over. They were not deep,  they don't hurt and that I am used to physical injuries and they don't affect me.

I am sitting on my bed while I am trying to reminisce what happened before I was taken in the hospital when  the door opened.

"Sehunnie! Are you okay now?!" - Luhan hyung with a very worried look approached me.
"I'm fine hyung. These injuries are nothing."
"What the hell happened to you?" Kris hyung asked with a scowl. He is a cold person outside but a very kindhearted one. He does not just show it.

I stated every detail that I remember and told them that the bad guys were actually my schoolmates who asked me to join their group. Being an asshole as I am, I declined the offer saying that I am no doubt powerful that them, and I don't need them. They were pissed so they attacked and beaten me as a whole group.

"Aggh! You could have been killed!"- Luhan hyung.
"Well, he just stated the truth. Sehunnie, you got my style!"  - Kris hyung proudly said.
"But before you should've said that, you should have mastered first the art of fighting! Look at you, you were like a limp!". Tao hyung retorted with a shaking of his head.
"I did. I just did not fight back."

Yes, I did not fight back. I was not in the mood to fight. I don't know why.
" How did I come here?" I asked them.
"It was all because of two hs students who witnessed the beating and decided to help you."
"Two high school students?"
"Yes, a very brave girl and her best friend." - Luhan hyung smiled.
"Brave? I think the exact word is foolish or weird." Kris hyung commented as he rolled his eyes.
Luhan hyung told the whole story and I got curious about the two.
"I think that girl is your guardian angel." -Luhan hyung
Psh. Guardian angel my ass!

"Young masters, the master has heard of this incident about Young Master Sehun. And he wishes to talk to you all. " - Butler Han interrupted our talk respectfully

I glanced at my three brothers and they were worried about our father's sudden interest to talk with us. I guess he has a plan.

"Okay. We gotta go now. Please help Sehunnie to dress." - Kris hyung commanded
"I am not paralyzed! I can move."
"Okay then. Hurry up, or Appa will get mad."

After they exited, I changed my hospital clothes to my casual clothes.
I think this time I am gonna get thrown away for sure.
I have been involved in many cases like this in my previous schools. And to think that I am only starting my h.s. life in that school. I sighed.
My father really was used to this and the only solution he can think of is to transfer me from one school to another. Knowing his influence, he can make the tables turn with just one flick/twist of his fingers.

We are the Wu family. The owner of the biggest construction firm in Korea, China, and other parts of the world. We also have several corporations being handled by Kris hyung, Luhan hyung and Tao hyung.
That's why, now, the only focus is on me. Our father thought that I am being a disgrace to the family because of the troubles I am making.

But this time, it's different. I was just a victim.
I sighed...
I just wished he's the kind of dad who listens.

Luhan's POV

After Sehun was discharged from the hospital, we quickly drove our way to the mansion of the Wu's.
I am very worried. The last time Sehun got involved in a fight, where he was the proponent, Appa decided to enroll him in a school in China where he will be alone.
I was shocked with that and begged him to let Sehun stay with us in Korea. After a few hours of begging, he agreed with a condition to not bring trouble anymore.

I can't let Sehun out of my sight. He is the only memory our mother left to us before she died. She entrusted Sehun to me, saying that I should protect him the best that I could. After all, Sehunnie has the best resemblance of our mother. Whenever I protect and help him, I think I have been a great help to eomma.

But now, I don't know what will happen. Eomma, please help us.
We found our father in the garden drinking his coffee.
"Appa." - Kris hyung called on to him and he slightly tirned his head towards us.
"Come here and sit down."
We nervously sit down and now we are waiting for the final convict.
Appa eyed Sehunnie and sighed, "Now you did it again!"
Sehun bowed his head and said "I'm sorry."
I but in, "Appa, Sehun did not start the fight. He was just-"
"I got involved in a fight again. Mianhamnida." -Sehun
Appa stared at Sehun and sighed. "Look at the face your mother made. It's disgusting to look at."
We glanced at each other with questioning eyes.
" I have heard that you were bullied in your school and didn't even bother to fight back. It was my fault for sending you into that school. Mianhe."
Am I really hearing this? Or I am just hearing things?
"But still, starting a fight or getting involved in a fight is just the same. You will still have your punishment."
"I am going to transfer you to a public school and you are going to live on your own. I will send you money regularly, but you are not allowed to go back here until you finished your freshman year without trouble. Understood?"
"Am I allowed to see my hyungs?"
"Yes of course. They may visit you, but you can't visit them."
I don't know how to react. Should I be happy? Or sad?
"If you don't have questions, start packing your things. Butler Han will lead you to the apartment where you are going to live from now on. But I'm warning you, the time that you meet with trouble again, I will cut your connections to the Wu family. Understood?"
"You may go now."
"Thank you."

Sehun bowed down and left. I was frozen. I turned to father and he was smiling.

"See how your brother has matured? He is a grown up already. Your mother must be very proud of him."
"Appa, you really are something" - Kris hyung
"When you have your own kids already, you can use my style."
"That is not my style."-
"Wait, I'm lost. W-what are you talking about?"
"Oh, Lulu, you are so close to Sehun that you do not know my conditions are just false."
"It's for him to learn his lessons." - Kris hyung
"Including the China thing?"
"Yes, of course. Why would I send my maknae there all alone? Haha."

I was so ... so... dumb. I didn't know I was born in a family of weird people.

Poor Sehunnie.

Sehun's POV

To leave the mansion and live independently is a sudden downfall, but for me, it means freedom. Freedom to do what I want, without a care in the world.

"Young master, the car is ready."
"I'm coming."

The attendants carried my luggage towards the car. I once took a glance at my room and locked it.

"Sehun! Take care of yourself."-Luhan hyung
"I will hyung. Gomawo."
"We will always visit you there. " -Tao hyung
"Hm. Okay."
"Always look at the galaxy and you will remember me." - Kris hyung
"Whatever hyung."

I looked at the garden where my dad is. Bye dad. Thanks for the allowance though.

I waved my last goodbye to my hyungs and hopped in the car.

A new life will start. Away from them.

Tears started to come out of my eyes.

I miss my mom.

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