Oneshot•Noen Eubanks•Arms

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⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️
Don't ask me where the idea for this came from because I'm not sure 🤷‍♀️.
Summary: Brooke is Tik Tok famous and is going on the lights out tour. All the guys know each other from previous tours, so she's kinda left alone. She struggles severely with her mental health, but the boys don't realize how bad it is until Noen sees her arms.
She was kidnapped at 13 and sold to men who beat her and did horrid things. Killed her entire family, included.
They are both 18 in this.
Brooke POV
I'm sitting on a small cliff in the park next to our hotel. I needed to be hidden, away from everyone else so I could relieve some of the stress caused by hiding all my pain. I pull off my oversized jean jacket so my arms are out in my white tank top. I pull my blade out of its hiding place in the sole of my shoe wear I keep a spare one in case of emergencies. Like now, when I wasn't able to grab a blade from my makeup bag, so I'm using this one.
I slice into the top of my left arm a few times, and then my right. I lay back on the ground. The cuts sting, but I'm so used to it by now it's a relief. All the stress from everything.
For my family, who all got killed.
For my scars, that cover every inch of my body.
For all the men who did so many horrible things to me for months.
For being anorexic.
I sigh and wipe the blood up with some tissues, then wrap them up with gauze because it seems to work better than bandaids. I throw my trash away and slip my blade back into my shoe before heading back to the hotel.
It's only the evening, just passed dinner. I came out here when the boys went to eat. Luckily, they didn't seem to notice.
I get back to the hotel at 7, and go to my room. I hear all the boys in the room across the hall being weird, so I just stay in my room by myself. Being the only girl, I get my own room. It's the smallest, but I like the privacy.
I waste the next few hours. I make a few Tik Toks, play my guitar, and watch YouTube and Netflix. I end up watching a movie and it's already 11:30 by the time it's over.
I can't sleep, as I haven't the past few weeks. I sleep a few hours once or twice a week, if I'm lucky. I decide to walk around the halls. I can hear the boys still in a room together, so I walk towards the stair case to head down to the lobby, maybe.
I make my way down the stairs and end up heading outside to the same area of the park as earlier. I remember cutting my arms here earlier, and it sends me into a spiral of negative thoughts, which ends in a panic attack.
I calm myself down 15 or so minutes later. I'm sitting alone, but then I hear a voice behind me.
"Hey, Brooke," a soft voice whispers. I turn my head to the side and see Noen sitting down a foot away from me. He's looking up at the beautiful sky, which is part of the reason I came out here in the first place.
"Hey." I turn my head back up to the sky. "How's your guys's little party going?"
He chuckles. "It was fine. I kinda got tired, but I wasn't ready to go to sleep. Decided to come down here."
I nod. "Cool."
He shrugs, but then yawns. I turn to look at him. He laughs. "Yeah, I'm a little tired."
"Couldn't tell." I smile a little and turn away. He leans down and rests his head on my shoulder.
"Hmm, your cuddly," he whispers with a tired smile. I just look forward again, out at the city. I feel his arms wrap around me.
"You sure you weren't ready for bed?" I ask.
He doesn't smile. "Brooke, your like, crazy thin."
"I'd hope so," I say softly.
His eyebrows scrunch together, so I guess he heard me. "What? Why'd you want to be that thin?"
"Well, I mean, I have been anorexic for almost two years, so I'd hope I'm skinny."
The silence is almost unbearable as his arms pull away and his head comes back up. "W-What? Your anorexic?"
"Yeah, I know it's disgusting. Sorry," I say. I push myself off the ground. "I'll be heading to my room now."
"Wait," he says as I'm already walking off. He grabs my arm, where I'd cut previously, but I hide my flinch.
"Yes?" I ask.
"I'm not-I don't think it's disgusting. Being anorexic. That's not what I was implying. I'm sorry. I'm not judging you. I'm just, I don't know, a little shocked. I'm sorry," he says, holding onto my right arm.
"Okay. That's fine," I say. I turn to go once again.
"What's that?" Noen asks. I turn back around.
"What's what?" He points to the ground, where my blade lays.
"Oh that's just mine." I pick it up, pull my shoes off, stick it back in the sole, and put my shoe back on. Noen just stares at me.
"Do you-do you cut yourself?" he asks quietly.
I nod. "Yeah, why?"
He stares at me. "That's a big deal, cutting yourself. Being anorexic for almost two years!"
"I've handled it fine. Nobody has found out until now. Doesn't seem to matter." I shrug. I don't see the point in hiding it.
"Let me see your arms?" Noen asks.
"They're ugly," I state simply.
He approaches me and slowly slides off my jean jacket. I don't stop him. No point in arguing.
He slides my jacket off and lays it on the bench beside us. He holds my wrists, which were currently at my sides. Looking at me, his eyes seem to ask can I?
I nod, and he gently tugs on my wrists until my arms are out. He pulls in a shaky breath at them.
"H-How long have you been cutting?" he asks wearily.
"Little over four years. I've gone over both arms three times. Done a little on my thighs, too." Might as well be open. He is still staring at my arms and holding my wrists. Cuts, faded and new, go from my wrist to the top of my arm. Layering each other, you can't see any skin that hasn't been marred.
"I-I-" Noen whispers.
I shrug. He looks up at me with wide eyes before pulling me into a giant hug that envelopes me.
"Please stop. I'm sorry for any pain I've caused you, just please stop, beautiful. Please," he whispers into my ears.
"I'll try. That's all I can promise."
"You have to stop. Stop cutting, stop being anorexic. I'll help you. I don't know how, okay, but I'll figure out. You're too good for this pain," he says. His voice makes me believe him.
I nod into his shoulder. "I'll stop if you'll help me. I need help. So much help."
I breathe in his nice scent right before he pulls away. "Have you ever cut over something I've did?"
"No. Gosh, Noen. You're so nice. No." I shake my head with a smile. We don't talk a lot, but he's nice when we do.
"Okay. I won't tell the guys. You probably don't want them to know. But I'll help ya." He looks over at the bench, picks up my jacket, and lays it over my shoulders. "Let's go back."
We walk back to the hotel in a comfortable silence. We get to my room and I scan the card to unlock the door. The party is still going on in the other room, and it's past midnight.
"You can stay in here until your room is free," I say. The room across the hall is the one he shares with Chase and Anthony.
He smiles appreciatively. "Thanks." He walks inside my room. I kick my shoes off and sit down on my bed. He takes his shoes off and sets them down by the door. I turn around to the nightstand and pull my laptop off the charger.
"You want to watch something on Netflix?" I ask. I look up to see him in front of me.
He holds up my blade, presumably from my shoe. Guess he took it out when I'd turned around. "First, I'd like to get rid of these. All of these."
   After clearing out my blades, all six in total, Noen leaves quickly to throws them in the trash can down the hall. I'm sitting on my bed waiting when he comes back in.
   "Time for Netflix."

I'll probably do a part two.
(This was a long one and my first one in this book. Hope you all liked it. Please comment.)

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