Oneshot•Chase Hudson•Need a Ride?

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Summary: Marren was walking down the street from her abusive boyfriend's house at night when Chase stops her, surprising her. They see each other again at school.

Marren POV
I tug my dress down again as I hurry down the sidewalk. It's late-after midnight- and my house is still a good 10 minute walk away. My dress is tight and short, not helping the fact that I'm already freezing from being outside.
I stumble a little on my heel again and decide on pulling them off. They've got blood on them from some cuts on my leg. Oh well.
"Hey, it's Marren, right?" a voice calls from behind me. I turn around and see a tall figure walking down the sidewalk from a large house. I can tell they have people over.
"Yes," I sigh, realizing it's Chase. I turn around and keep walking at a quick pace.
"Where are you going like...that?" he asks, catching up to me and looking over me. I cross my arms over my chest uncomfortably.
"Home," I state and keep walking, trying to avoid him.
"I can give you a ride if you want." He walks up beside me again.
"Why are you being nice? I can walk myself home perfectly fine." I run my hands through my long, blonde hair. It's a nervous habit. He needs to leave me alone.
"I just offered you a ride...I'm confused. Why are you mad at me?" he asks.
I roll my eyes. "Well I was late to class today picking up my books that you and your friends decided to push out of my arms. And for yesterday, and the day know what? The past five years. I'm mad at you for the past five years."
"I'm sorry," he whispers.
"Sure you are," I huff.
"I am!" he says. "I'm sorry. I just...they started doing it and they were my friends so I went along with it. I didn't want to lose my friends. Besides all that, they can be good people."
"Let's put emphasis on can. They can be good people. But they aren't. You aren't. You didn't stop it. You didn't tell them tormenting someone for absolutely no reason for five years was wrong." I glare at him. "You and your friends aren't good people."
"I know. I know. I screwed up," he mumbles. I push his chest and he barely stumbles back, but still looks up at me with surprise.
"You really did screw up. I'm glad you've finally realized it." I start walking again.
"Just...let me drive you home, okay?"
"No, Chase. Now leave me alone. You can have all the fun you want with me on Monday."
"But it's dark out and that's not safe."
"And? Do I care?"
"I don't know. Do you?" he asks.
"No! I don't!" I start speeding up to get away from him. He starts to jog until he catches up to me.
"Well, you look cold. Want my jacket?" he asks.
"No. I want for you to leave me alone."
"What's the big deal if I walk with you? I'm just trying to make sure you get home safe." He looks down at me. "Why is your neck covered in hickies?"
"Don't sound so surprised that I have a boyfriend," I grumble.
"Oh. Does he go to our school?" Chase asks.
"Yes. Does it matter?"
"Just trying to be nice. Who is it?" he asks.
"Mike, the one on the football team."
"Oh, that's cool. So were you visiting him? Doesn't he live around here somewhere?"
"Yes and yes."
"Ooh, he gave you hickies." Chase smirks.
"That's not funny."
"Aww Marren, I'm just joking. I know some of us don't want to discuss our sex life-"
"Would you just shut up? I don't want to discuss anything with you, let alone that. So now I'm home and you can go back to whatever you were doing. I'm sure whoever it is misses you."
"Oh, okay. Well, see you Monday," he says before heading off. I grumble and knock on the door slowly.
"You're late," my dad drunkenly growls as he swings the door open.
"I'm sorry." I lower my head to avoid eye contact.
"Get inside before anyone sees you like this," he says, grabbing me by the hair and yanking me inside.
This is going to be a long night.

Chase POV•Monday
   "No, stop. I've told you, I have to get home," someone says in the hall. She sounds mad.
   "Babe, come on. Stop being a bore." Another voice, a guy's this time.
   "I've told you no. I don't want to come over."
   Someone getting slapped and hitting the locker can be heard. There is some angry mumbling and some more sounds.
   "We should go see what's going on. Sounds like a fight," Anthony whispers. A couple of them head off and enter the next hall. I hear them laughing soon.
   "You okay?" Noen asks. He's leaning against his locker next to mine, having not went with the rest of the boys.
   "You guys missed it. Mike was beating the crap out of his girlfriend," Jaden says as he comes back in laughing.
   "Who's his girlfriend?" Noen asks.
   "Marren. It's a wonder they are still together, she's so ugly," Anthony says, then laughs too.
   No. No no no no no.
   "You okay?" Payton asks.
   "Um, yeah. I-I left something in a classroom. You guys leave without me."
   "Okay." They all head off down the hall and I wait, then jog off into the other hallway. Marren is crumbled up against the floor, Mike standing over her.
   "S-st-stop Mike. Please stop. I'm sorry," she mumbles.
   "You're a slu-"
   "Knock it off, Mike," I say, stepping between them.
   "Or what, Hudson? You gonna do something about it?" He pushes me back by my chest, and I take a swing at his face.
Marren POV (because a first person POV fight would be weird)
   Chase and Mike go and fighting for a while before Mike runs off, face bloody.
   "Hey, you okay?" Chase asks quietly, crouching down beside me. I look up at him.
   "What-What was that for? Why'd you do that to him?" I look up at him.
   "He got you pretty bad." He reaches out and touches my neck. I wince and curl up further. "Sorry. Here, let me help you up." He reaches an arm around me and pulls me up with him.
   "Uhm, thanks." I look down at my shoes. "I'll get going now."
   "Hey, do you need a ride home?"
   "Why do you want to drive me home so bad?" I ask, turning around to look at him. He shrugs.
   "Just seemed like you might need one." He laughs and rubs his neck. "Hey, I'm sorry about my friends. That-That wasn't cool of them. But I'll see you around." He nods and walks off.
   I sigh and walk back down the hall.
   Why can't I get Chase Hudson out of my head?

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