Oneshot•Griffin Johnson•Watch Out For You Part 2

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Griffin POV
   "You can lay your head on me, if you want," I offer. She looks like she is about to deny it, but decides not to and lays her head against my chest gently.
"What's your name?" she asks quietly.
"I'm Griffin," I respond. "How about you?"
   "That's pretty. I like that."
   "Uhm, thanks." She nods against my chest and looks around as we walk down a sidewalk next to some stores. "When you get to the end of this row, you take a right. It's that tallish building right there." Amerie points to a building as we turn, gesturing to the tall building mixed in with what appears to be stores equally as tall.
   "Okay. Are you feeling any better?" I ask as I readjust my grip on her leg.
   "A little, yeah." She smiles up at me. We get to the decent looking building and the doors slide open.
   "Do we go up?"
   "Third floor. The elevators are just around that corner." We round a corner and find the elevators. I press the button and wait. "You know, you can put me down now."
   "Are you sure?"
   Amerie sighs. "Yes, I'm sure." I set her down just as the elevator doors slide open. We step in, and she hits the third floor button and leans back against the wall.
   "So, do you live here with your family?" I ask when the doors open back up and we step out.
   "Uhm, it's me and my sister, actually. My parents don't live with us," she says quietly, pulling a key out of her pocket and unlocking a door. I just nod and follow her inside.
   "It's nice in here," I tell her when she turns the lights on.
   "It's small," she replies.
   "But it's not a bad small. It's more like a homey, comfortable small. I like it."
   "Well, thanks." She shrugs, putting her key back on the counter. "I'm going to go get changed. Uhm, are you staying or..."
   "Yeah, yeah. I'll put a bandage on that cut for you."
   "Okay." Amerie nods and turns around, heading down the short hall. She reappears a few minutes later with the blood wiped off her face and fresh clothes on.
   "Where do you keep bandaids and stuff?" I ask.
   "Bathroom." Amerie walks back down the hall, and I follow her. She flicks a light on and gets a small red box out of the cabinet below the sink.
   "Alright." I slide it out of her hands, opening it up and setting it down. I get a towel from behind us and get it wet, then start dabbing at the cut gently.
   "So, you're a nurse?" she asks.
   "Well, that's what I'm studying to be, but I do TikTok and YouTube mainly. That's who I was in the store with." I use the dry end of the washcloth to hold it against the bleeding cut.
   "Friends from that?"
   "Yeah. I know we were being weird in the there, but they aren't that bad, actually. One of them was doing a video for his YouTube channel and was getting people to drink energy makes them crazy." I laugh, and she does, too. I lay the washcloth in the sink and get out a tube of Vaseline, then start to rub it on her temple where the cut is. "This doesn't hurt, does it?"
"No. Do you do this a lot?" Amerie asks.
"Not really, but I know how to." I put the tube away and get a small bandaid out. "How did you get it?"
"The cut?" she whispers. I nod. "Oh, I just got scratched by a box in the back room."
"A box gave you that scratch?" I question, sticking the bandaid on her temple and throwing the trash away.
"Well...yeah." She nods, then begins to put the red first-aid kit away.
"So you got scratched on your head by a box while getting fired?" I ask, leaning against the door frame.
"You're getting really into this," she tells me.
"I'm just curious, that's all."
"Sure." She nods, us just standing there.
"So, you live here with your sister?" I ask.
"Yeah. She isn't here right now."
"Where is she at?"
"School. Actually, I should probably be going to pick her up soon," she mumbles, slipping past me. She walks farther down the hall, and I follow her. She goes into what I assume is her bedroom, getting the pair of shoes she was wearing earlier and slipping them on.
"Do you need me to drive you?" I offer.
"No, I have a car outside. You should probably be getting back to your friends." Amerie sighs. "They'll probably be missing you."
"Nah. And anyways, I like spending time with you." I smile at her, but she just gives me a small one back.
"I'm not that interesting to hang out with. You're friends seem like a lot more fun than me."
"You're a lot more calm than they are," I tell her. She just shrugs.
"I think you're using calm as a synonym for boring," Amerie says, walking past me again. I follow her back down the hall to the entryway area, where she picks up some keys. "Do you need me to drive you back to the mall?"
"Nah. Do you want me to come with you?"
"To pick up my sister from school?" she asks, looking confused, which makes me laugh.
"Yeah. Why not?" I smile again. She rolls her eyes and sighs.
"Let's go, then." We head out the door and back to the elevators, making small talk. Outside in the parking lot, she walks over to a red Corolla.
"You like red?" I ask as we get in.
"On my car."
"What about on you?"
"Not so much."
"I think you would look great in red," I tell her. She just gives me a small smile and drives off.
A little bit later, we pull up to an elementary school. I'm a little surprised. I don't know why, but I thought it would be more of a high-school aged sister.
"She's just in daycare. You can wait in here, if you want." She looks over at me after parking the car.
"I'll come in," I say. We get out of the car and walk inside the cafeteria. She signs her name on a paper at the desk, and then a little girl runs over to us.
"E! E!" the little girl squeals. Amerie turns around.
"Hey, Melia. How was school today?" Amerie squats down to the girl's height.
"Good. We released the butterflies today in class!"
"Were they all nice and pretty?" Amerie asks.
"Yeah!" The little girl, Melia, looks over at me. I smile, squatting down, too.
"Hi. I'm Griffin."
"I'm Amelia." She pushes in between Amerie's arms, hiding behind her hair. "You can call me Melia, if you want."
"Thank you. That's a very pretty name you have, Melia."
She smiles up at me, and I see she is missing a few teeth. "Thanks." She looks back over at her sister. "Are we going home now?"
"Yep." She stands up and holds out her hand to her. "Let's go."
"Carry me?" Amelia asks her.
"Hun, you can walk," she laughs.
"I'll carry you," I offer. They both look over at me, so I give Amerie a shrug. Amelia walks over to me and sticks her arms up, making grabby hands at me. I pick her up, resting her on my hip as we walk.
"Thanks," Amerie whispers.

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