The beginning of the year, Chapter 1

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As I was walking fast to my first class, I was thinking about not messing up and becoming emo again, at least in my senior year, but I ended up bumping into a random girl whose coffee spilt all over me; what a great way to start the day. Suddenly, her diva-ness just had to make a big drama of it all, spread rumours and make my first day at Broad River High school horrible... I stopped thinking about my beautiful design on my t-shirt and went to my first class. *WHAM*, I bumped again at a boy this time, and thankfully, only my books fell on the ground.

"Here hold my books for me. I'll pick it up for you. you," he said kindly

I took his books and waited like an idiot.

"Oh, thank you so much, um..."

"Owen, call me Owen, and yours?"

"Michelle, but everyone calls me Mimi for short..." I said with increasing stupidity.

"Uh...I am new here and if you are still in the rescuing mood maybe you could show me around?..." he asked me kindly, of course, he was, that's why he is speaking to the emo child.

"Sure, may I know your first class?

"Yea honours English..."

"Oh, we have the same class! Come on!"


"Anytime," I said and walked fast to the classroom, to avoid the tardy bell. We both reached during the right time, and we both heaved a sigh.

"Welcome back Michelle, and we have a new student!!!"

"Hi, I'm Owen..." I heard a lot of girls squeal over him, of course... his beautiful blond hair twisted up in curls, and his blue eyes were a perfect catch for any girl...

"Ignore them..." I whispered to him

"I got used to it anyway," he told me with a narcotic tone.

I giggled and sat on the last bench. Surprisingly, everyone was asking him to sit next to them, but he came and sat next to me. I was shocked!

"Um, if you didn't know, I'm kind of an emo student here, so it will be better if you sit next to one of them if you want some friends..." I said sheepishly

"No, thanks! I'm better here..." he replied

I nodded and looked at the class.

"Welcome to the class of 1989" the teacher started, "I'm Dean Levinson, but call me Mr Dean..."

"Good morning Mr Dean," we all said robotically.

"Good, this kind of obedience is what I want...ah if the world was this obedient..."

We all laughed, and started with the first chapter... it was kind of awful because the first day was supposed to be a free day, but I don't know about Mr Dean (but he knows everyone). Probably, he is a diligent worker or something.

As the last bell of the day rang, and I happily took my bag out of my locker and started to go home. I was caught by Owen, who smelled horrible because he was in PE.

"You reek child!" I said to him

"I don't care. I'm gonna walk home, wanna come?"

"Sure, wish there was easier transport..."

"Next time, I'll bring my bicycle, alright?'

We both walked, and realized we were going the same direction for a long time...
"Well, this is my house!" I said,

"Well, mine is around here somewhere too..." he replied.

I nodded and went to my house, and I saw him going to the house to my left and figured out he was my new neighbour. On one part, I was weirded out, but on the other part, I was glad that the old cat lady was gone.

"I'm back!!!" I shouted to my parents and my little brother, and I saw them all running down like zombies.

"How was your first day?!" My mother asked

"Good, I mean it was as usual..."
"Did you get any friends?" My dad asked

"Yea, one friend who is a boy..."

"Oooh, is he cute?" My annoying brother asked.

"Too many questions, leave me alone!" I cried and took a pudding cup off the fridge and ran up the stairs. Don't get me wrong, I love them all, but they are just too clingy and thinks I'm a 6-year-old. I groaned and sat down on my bed. I had no homework for today, except for one from Mr Dean. It was so easy though, just a small essay about myself. Of course, I have a lot to write about, so I did, for about one hour. After I finished, I heard the doorbell ring. When I opened the door, I saw Owen.

"Such a nice cottage-like house you have!"

"Thanks, um why are you here?"

"Oh, I just asked if you wanna play skip rope with my sisters?"

"Um, don't you think--"

"Yeah we are old, but it'll be fun!"

"How many sisters do you have?"


"Wow, I just have one brother..."


"Mom, I'm going to play with Owen!" I said and ran off to his house to play.

I saw those sisters having a gay old time, so I joined them. I suddenly became a little child. I was jumping and playing a lot with all of them... It was a fun day after all; at least I'm not emo to one person... right?

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