Plan accordingly- Chapter 11

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I placed scissors, a lighter, and a hammer into my dad's sweat-shirt. I thought about what I had to and cleared my mind and assured myself that would be a success. I innocently went outside and noticed a lot of guards. I heaved a fake sigh and realized I wasn't smelling fresh air; I was in a sac. HURRAH! I giggle a little, but very silently.

They strapped me in tighter and turned on the gas a little more, but this time, I sneakily turned off the knob right beside me a little so I will be awake, though I pretended to be asleep.

"Poor little thing! We were this close to being busted!" the cynical lady said

"Yeah," another person replied, a guard I think. Once they went out, I opened my eyes. I breathed slowly and nudged the mask out with my chin. I reached for my scissors from my huge pocket. I was sulking my whole body to reach it as it was right in the middle. After some time, I took it, cut the straps, and ran to the first room with great silence.

In the first random door, I went into a room full of connected computers. The rest of the room was pretty dark, well not literally... a dim light was present which made me squeeze my eyes. These computers seemed to be collecting a kind of data that was being collected. Upon closer look, it looked like a mini impulse with a voltage of less than 2. That can only be created by brains and brains only, so this is the source! I did the same thing I did to save Owen, delete. I clicked that button and saw that I have failed. I then tried a bunch of different keys at random. I danced around the keys and saw Nothing! When I banged on the keyboard out of defeat, my eyes wandered to a rectangular box thingy. Probably the CPU. Of course! I searched for the 'off' button and finally found one at the top right of the huge dusty thing. I clicked it and saw all the systems shut off; they all became blank. BINGO WAS HIS NAME-O! I shouted in my head. I then heard the alarms go off. I quickly darted out of that room.

I ran outside and stopped and gawked at one of the rooms in doing so I did not hear a person creeping up behind me and once again felt the syringe of anaesthesia being poked on the side of my neck. I felt woozy and collapsed on the ground. The voice behind me was a blur, but I heard a familiar voice - Andrew.

"Andrew". I woozily called out.

"Michelle. What are you doing here?"

Before I could answer one of the people cut me off and asked how do you know her?

Andrew was so flustered. " I am so sorry but you are mistaken, I don't know her."

What is Andrew playing at? my head burst.

His voice cut through my thoughts and said 'I will take her to my father the rest of can leave us alone'.

The others looked like they wanted to argue but they probably knew better than to argue with the mayor's son. He lifted me by my spine and calves. I felt like I was flying for a minute, flying to hell...

When I opened my eyes, I saw Andrew looking close at me. I tried to go back, but I had straps all over me. This meant one thing, there was no escape; I have failed. When I tried to yell at the betrayer, I felt that I was oppressed by a tape... of course... I turned my head away from him to indicate that we are OVER! But when I did, I saw the mayor...

"Oh silly little thing ain't she?" he called out.

"Aye--" Andrew said with a shiver.

"We would have gotten busted!" he said, repeating that cynical lady. I tried to escape by pushing my body. It was working! But it was moments until Andrew stripped me tightly. I screamed through the duct tape.

"Hush now child," the mayor started, "You are going to be a greater part of the future. With your brain, we will be able to create AI at last, and we will dominate the world. Think of it as sacrificing your brain for a better future! You won't feel a thing..."

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