The more, the less-- wrong!- Chapter 9

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It was time. 9:00 pm. I need to call my dad. He will help me. He has to... I made sure my John and Mother were asleep. I went down and called my dad.

"Honey, you are awake..." My dad started

"Dad, please just answer my questions, please."

"Fine, but I have exactly 2 minutes..."

"Are the kids anywhere related to your mission?"

"How did you know..."

"Ok, next. Why only smart kids?"

"Michelle. I am so sorry. I am so sorry..."

"What, can't you answer?"
"Michelle, I shouldn't have signed... I shouldn't have signed..."

"What do you mean... Dad, what do you mean?"
"I'm sorry honey, but you will be a part of a greater future..."

"Dad?" He hung up the phone... just like that! JUST LIKE THAT! Nothing but a canyon full of poo-poo! So much for he has changed!

I stormed back to the room and sat on my bed angrily. My father thought I had changed but yet he still doesn't trust me. Anyways, my father had given me clues. There is something fishy going on with his mission, and it might be responsible for the kids' disappearance. What if they were taken to do slave work? Is it because my dad needs pay and those kids don't? It is quite common for child labour, but why in the world only private school students, and my friends? Is it because the private students were in robotics? And my friends love 'You're My Robot' series? Probably...

As soon as I finished my gourmet dinner, I went upstairs to read books about robots, at least a fictional one that my beautiful uncle gave to me, called "Is This Possible." We are actually supposed to be married, but my mother did not want that to happen as he was like 35. I took out the book and started reading it. It was kind of a documentary thing, so I was looking for the right chapter. BINGO!

Chapter 56, Can AI be achieved with so little technology?

Well, As you know, I, the great Robinson, have been wondering myself! I have finally come up with a theory:

A microchip is like the code, like our genes, which tells us who we are and what our 'destiny' is. I thought about creating that kind of chip, which can access an AI's entire brain, but watch out! If you unlock all of it, you can really make it into a human. Just its commands would do is what I conveying. Microchip is the impossible part, but here is an idea: why not take some impulses of humans and put their charge into a positive cathode? Ultimately a microchip! Of course, this is very theoretical... And I have been mentally unstable, so why listen to me?!

What if? Huh-uh, no way in hell they would be that cynical... especially the mayor! He looks so rational with his life, kids, and all... it is his control, he would have just used another type of AI microchip! One that uses animals! Right?

I had to go out to get a refresher from these stupid theoretical thoughts. I went out and just sat out in the garden, taking a breather. Ahh, how nice the fresh air was. Even though it was night, it was amazing. I could smell sweet and humid air. When I opened my eyes, I saw the full moon shining bright at me. Those little constellations are begging to be connected. As I was connecting the dots, I heard a *snap*. I looked back to see no one. My imagination... As I was trying to look up, all I saw was a black-hooded mask... I tried to shriek, but before I could, I was hit by a hammer. I felt a bit woozy, and the last thing I remember is falling down that person's knees. 

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