It is East, and Juliet is the Sun

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Art up top by me

Life was like that every day for the next week. Marinette got closer to Adrien during her dance lessons, but never spoke to him at school. As far as she was concerned, Chloe didn't even know about their secret friendship.

The weekend finally came, and Marinette finally had time to herself. Though yesterday the ballet had said to check their website for some big news. Out of boredom and curiosity, Marinette searched up her dance studio's website.

As soon as the page loaded she saw the big words that made her squeal with delight. They were doing a big dance with ballet, hip hop, breakdance, Jazz, and more. And it was none other than the famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet.

Marinette basically flew down the stairs to tell her parents. Then she realized they were on a delivery run and ran back up stairs to check out more details.

"A pair of Star crossed Lovers take their Life" the quote danced across the screen with a long description of what the play was about and how they would turn it into a beautiful 3 hour dance with no words. Marinette was drooling on her keyboard which she then had to clean. "The famous love story!"

She heard a light jingle of a bell as the bakery door opened and closed. So she ran downstairs to tell her parents as they had just gotten home.

"Mom! Papa! Mama! Pop! Mom!!!" Marinette shrieked to get their attention as she sloppily bounced up and down the stairs in excitement. Both her parents were focused on putting away boxes. "BIRTH GIVERS!" Marinette said, finally getting their attention.

"What is it Marinette? Can't you see we're busy?" Her mother Sabine sighed.

"Mmmmmmm yes. But it's important!" Marinette toppled over from loosing balance on her weights.

"What is it dear?" Her father said, setting the last box down.

"The ballet is doing a dance!! And it's about Romeo and Juliet!!" Marinette squealed.

"Wow, your very excited." Her papa commented.

"Have they assigned parts yet?" Her mother asked.

"No, but hopefully we will soon! I want to be Juliet!" Marinette jumped back up from the ground but fell back on her butt once more. Man the floor was slippery.

"You know, I was Juliet in a high school play once." Her mother sighed happily.

"Was papa Romeo?!"

"No, alas he cannot act for the life of him." Her mother giggled.

"But I can bake!" Her father counter acted.

"That is true. Marinette do you have home work?" Her mother asked. Marinette's eyes widened.

"Uh... yes..?" She dashed back to her room instantly.


As Sunday arrived, Marinette had to go to her dance class. All that day was for was to talk about the play, the rolls, and bla bla bla. They sat in a semi circle around the instructor.

But Marinette was gazing at Adrien the intire time. How she wished to see his face. But what if his looks changed the way she viewed him? She tried to pay attention to the instructor.

But that was a very difficult task because Adrien was sitting next to her almost falling asleep. His head dropped down, then flew back up again... then bobbed back down... then flew back up again... repeatedly. Marinette giggled once because he almost fell over.

Lila was across the room sitting pretty, and Adrien would occasionally look at her. This made Marinette's insides roar. But she had to calm herself down as the instructor was speaking of something important.

"As many of you know, this year the advanced ballet (you guys) will have the main parts. These parts are Juliet, Romeo, Mercutio (Who is changed into a female role), Tybalt (also female), the Friar, Lady Capulet, and Lady Montague." She listed. Marinette almost squealed again. "Adrien, you, as the only boy in our class, are Romeo. But the rest of you will have to audition."

Instantly girls started talking to one another, yet across the room Lila was smirking in an evil silence at Marinette. Jealously formes in her stomach, something was wrong with that Lila girl, she was a villain!

"Auditions are tomorrow, you must create your own dance to preform to the judges. Adrien, would you be able to go tomorrow? Even though your not auditioning?" The instructor looked at Adrien.

"Um... I think.." Adrien looked down with insecurity. The instructor nodded and wrote it down.


Marinette was back at home designing a "stunning" dance routine, but it looked like utter nonsense. Frustrated, she flopped onto her fluffy bed, and fell asleep.

Fear crossed over her when her alarm clock went off, as she realized that she had nothing to present. But also because she had to go to school! And she remembered pressing the snooze button 4 times! She was late!

Marinette fell out of bed, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. But she did that every day, because the show designers decided she only needed one set of clothes to where every day. And every one else where's the same thing too, have they heard of doing laundry?

She brushed her white teeth, and looked in the mirror. Her heart dropped. She felt fear of something wash over her. A fear of trouble, danger, insecurity, and people.

For she cloud see her face. Her blue bell eyes, her pink lips, her rosy cheeks. She saw it all, but half.

For her mask, was broken.

A/N sorry for a short chapter but I haven't posted in a while so here... take it.

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