Take flight

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Marinette ran out of school like a crazy banshee. She had to get to ballet as soon as possible, for she was given the role of the nurse and needed to practice with the others. Adrien was already there, she told him to go without her. But her mind was panicked now because she couldn't remember if she shut the window of her bedroom or not. But she had no time to check, she was hardly able to carry her backpack which was falling apart with books and her unitard.

She rushed into the building where the dancers performed their roles for the dance. She wasn't the only one who was late because some hip hop, jazz, and young ballerinas hustled to get inside as well.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Marinette apologized as soon as she ran into her room. Some of the others were already dressed and stretching, but Marinette saw the instructor was in the room. She felt embarrassed as she rushed to the changing rooms.

Marinette grabbed her clothes in her bag and quickly got dressed. She was thankful the instructor wasn't there to see her like this and embarrassed tomato.

When she was dressed, she came back into the mirrored room. Adrien was already stretching, so she joined him.

"You're a bit late, I told you I would give you a ride," Adrien smirked.

"Yeah, but I had a couple of things to do," MJ Said and sat down next to him. She began doing to taps, and placing her legs flat on the floor, placing her forehead to her knees. "Also.." Her voice trailed off.

"What?" Adrien asked.

"I think I let Tikki escape!" She panicked.

"Tikki..?" Adrien cocked his head.

"My bird, I think I left my window open and I'm worried she's gone," Marinette explained.

"It's probably fine, your parents must have noticed it was gone, I mean the lack of a bird screeching constantly." Adrien chuckled.

"Yeah..." Marinette sat up again.

"You know, my dad's super-rich, and I always asked him for a bird. It wouldn't kill him, I just wanted someone to talk to. But guess what he gave me?" Adrien sighed but continued chuckling again.

"Huh, what?" Marinette smiled.

"A cat." Adrien started laughing.

"A cat?! Awwe!" Marinette sighed.

"His name is Plagg, and he likes cheese. Like seriously, likes cheese." Adrien continued.

"Ha, cute.. and um, weird?"


Lila suddenly walked in proudly. She flicked her hair and winked at Adrien. The instructor came in after her.

"You should expose her." Adrien frowned.

"What? That isn't like you." Marinette gasped.

"I'm serious," Adrien leaned closer to Marinette. "In the few weeks I've known her, I've never liked her!"

"I don't like her either, but I mean.. It's plain rude." Marinette mumbled.

"But she's a cheat! She's not even a great ballerina, she lied her way into here!" Adrien argued.

"Adrien... She's insecure. That's no reason to hate her..." She sighed.

"But, I mean-"

"Shhh, just let it be."

"Marinette! Take a stand, I'm serious! You deserved that role, not her." Adrien stretched his arms.

"It's fine, I'm fine without that roll.." Marinette looked down.

"Hustle up rabbits!" The instructor snapped and stood in front of the class. Everyone stood up, and out of the corner of her eye, Marinette could see Lila wearing a smug face. "We are starting act 1 scene 3 today, and going over the steps because that's when you guys first come in."

She separated everyone into groups and reviewed how it would all tie together. She gave everyone a hand out of what they were supposed to do, to follow.


By the time the class ended, Marinette realized how hard this was going to be. She felt nervous, and the dance was only a month away! How were they supposed to memorize all their moves?

By the time Marinette got home, she was ready to crash. She toppled into her bedroom lazily, and that's when her heart practically stopped. Her eyes widened as she realized the bedroom window was indeed open, and Tiki was gone. She froze in terror. Tears filled her eyes.

"T-Tikki?!" She called for her precious pet. She looked all over the room but the bird was gone. She had flown out of the bedroom window, sucked into the void of Paris. Was she caught by someone? Did she get hit by a car? Did she fly away? And if so, how? The bird was clipped, it was impossible for her to truly take flight. Marinette ran to the window and stuck her head out. "TIKKI!?" She screamed, choking on her own words.

But the bird was gone, and little did Marinette know, who had stolen the bird.

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