In the end

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Marinette clutched the collar of Adrien shirt tightly and drew herself closer to him. She whispered something but he couldn't hear her. She turned around and stepped away from him. He called for her but she didn't turn back. Her eyes were glaring into the skull of Diana Moon, the Handicapper.

"Get off the stage little girl." She said bitterly. Then she looked at the audience and grabbed a microphone. "You need to evacuate now. Unless you think your smarter than I." She cocked the barrel of her gun and pointed it at the Cellist. "Would you like to Protest."

"No one is listening to you!" The cellist boomed. She shot the gun which went straight through his instrument and hit his chest. He gasped and staggered backwards before falling over, dead.

"Now they are." She grinned cruelly. The crowd was silent. She certainly had caught their attention. "Citizens of Paris! You are in immediate danger! Evacuate the premises immediately or protest as this man had!"

Marinette stumbled backwards into Adrien who caught her. She trembled in his arms, but he was to stunned to comfort her.

"General we took care of the bomb. Everything is safe now." A man said in the radio of the Handicapper's ear. She pressed her finger to it and responded.

"Take it away so we can identify who put it there. And I want to see how much respect these ungrateful humans show the government." She sais back quietly. "Well?!" She hummed Loudly to the crowd.

An old woman stood up in the panicked crowd and raised a hand. Her voice cracked as spoke, but she sounded wise and melodic. Her voice cracked slightly as she started to sing, surprising the entire room.

"Well I've heard there was a secret chord..." she began. It was unmistakably Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley. She waited, pausing for a few seconds, then continued. "That David played and it pleased the Lord..."

She looked around to see if any one would join her. A Viola stood up and started to play along with the woman singing.

"But you don't really care for music, do you?" She looked right at the handicapper general. Diana Moon was amused by their pathetic protest of sorts. When the woman continued, a few other people had stood up in the crowd to sing. One that stood out to Marinette was her own mother. She was even more scared.

"Well it goes like this: The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift" they sang together even if some were terrible and others sounding like angels. With each line another person would join, or stand up and listen. "The baffled king composing Hallelujah!"

The crowd sang together during the chorus, "Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!"

"Silence!" The handicapper shrieked. Models from her own annoyance.

"Well your faith was strong but you needed proof" the continued anyways. "You saw her bathing on the roof"

"Marinette" Adrien whispered gently in her ear.

"Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya"

"Yes?" She replied.

"She tied you to her kitchen chair"

"Will you dance with me?" He asked sweetly, cupping her hands in his. She was facing him now and studied his mask before answering.

"And she broke your throne and she cut your hair!"

"If you'll take my hand." She answered.

"And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah!" The crowd began to sing together again. "Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!"

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