In love with the faceless

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Marinette was tired if that day already. Chloe wasn't even letting her go say hi to the new kid, she didn't let anyone! Adrien must have felt so alone! She wanted to crawl into a whole and die if she was going to be honest.

They say felt drawn out and exceedingly boring. But there was something about Adrien that made her heart skip a beat when he spoke. That made her eyes stare at his blonde hair, that made her "accidentally" bump shoulders with him in the halls, that made her want to embrace him and pour her soul, her everything to him.

But Chloe had built a wall that prevented her from doing so.

Marinette hated everything about Chloe. She got everything so easy, she was rich and could buy whatever she wanted, she could be a bully and the teachers couldn't do anything cause of the power her father held, the way Chloe yapped to Adrien like a sweet puppy but bit the ankles of every one else like a Shepherd dog. Just the noise of Chloe's voice made Marinette want to shove the girl to a wall and trip her up.

But Marinette is a nice girl. She doesn't shove, punch, bully, or gossip. She tries to keep her hatred to herself but her detective friend Alya would of course find out. Alya has always known Marinette bitterly hated Chloe. And Alya felt the same way, as did almost any one who met her.

Marinette caught herself ignoring the brat today, she was so distracted by Adrien. He was like the exact opposite of the spoiled Chloe. Oh! How Marinette dearly wanted to speak with him!

Marinette was thinking about him as she was walking to her ballet class. It was raining, just like it had been every day for the past week. Marinette enjoyed the smell of rain.

The dance building came into view with a sign saying "Clare's school of Dance" strapped above it. Marinette hurried inside as the rain started to fall heavier.

She went down the hallway mingling with a couple other dancers from different classes like hip hop or jazz as she made her way to her ballet room. She was advanced so she was with a smaller group of ballerinas.

As she opened the door she saw two girls stretching already, a girl named Makenzie and and another girl named Cathy. They had been here since Marinette had come as a little 5 year old.

Marinette greeted them, then left for the changing rooms. She pulled on her red leortard with a black shirt skirt along with her light pink leggings and slippers.

She came out again only to see some others had come already. The other two girls, and a newbie. And that newbie, was Adrien.

Marinette froze in the door way of the changing rooms. He was already dressed in a black and white leotard and slippers. He was looking around nervously as if something were going to attack him. His eyes found Marinette through his mask and his eyes widened.

"Oh, you go to my school!" He said and jogged over to her. "I'm kinda scared of  being noticed, especially since I'm uh... you know..." He admitted.

Marinette felt flattered he had recognized her, but that realized it was probably not because of her, but because of her absurd mask.

"Oh.. y-yeah. I'm M-m-Marinette!" She introduces herself. 'Why am I stammering?!' She thought t herself in panic. He chuckled.

"I'm Adrien. Nice to meet you." He said. "Does uh... does Chloe take this class?" He whispered though she didn't know why he spoke so quietly.

"No. She doesn't even do ballet. Why?" Marinette Asked.

"Really? She said she was an advanced ballerina, and took class here." Adrien retorted.

"Ha. I bet she can hardly do the splits." Marinette giggled.

Suddenly some one else walked through the door, another newbie. She wore a half face orange mask and some small weights. She had long brown hair put into a weird hair tie at the bottom as if she had tried to make a pony tail but it sagged way far down making a weird brown clump. She had the proud sneer on her face and green eyes that said mischief.

"Hi, I'm Makenzie." Said the short cut brown haired girl doing stretches on the floor.

"Ooh, two newbies? Well... you're advanced so I guess not a newbie but... well I'm Cathy. This is Becky and Robin." Said Cathy, the blonde.

"I'm Lila! I'm so excited to be here! I've always loved ballet!" Said the new girl in a tone that was so obviously fake.

"Stretches!!" The instructor demanded as she stomped into the room. All the girls and Adrien instantly fit in a circle to start stretching together even though some had already started.

"She seems kind of... demanding..." Adrien mumbles to Marinette.

"The handsome- I mean instructor?! Yeah, y-you'll get hotter- I mean used to it!" Marinette replied.

"Is the Lila girl..." he paused. And stopped stretching. So did Cathy and Robin. They just stared lazily at each other trying to figure out what was happening. Then got back to stretching like nothing had happened.

"Buzzer?" The instructor, Mrs. Geritz asked in a stern voice.

"Yeah... the headphone buzz to make me... stupid." Robin sighed.

"As you were!" Said Mrs. Geritz.

After they were done stretching they started doing some exercises and short dance Phrases. Marinette kept talking to Adrien, and the more they talked, the more she realized she was getting a crush.

After two hours when class was over, Marinette got changed back into her clothes and grabbed her things.

"Au revoir!" She cheered as she left with a couple others.

As she made her way out she saw that the rain was absolutely pouring. She was most certainly going to get a cold. She stepped out and stuck a hand before her, letting drops of rain drip on her delicate fingers. She could feel her hair getting damp as well. She took out her bag and started unzipping it the see if she had s sweater or something to put over her head.

Suddenly the drops of rain stopped landing on her. She look up to the sky to see a black umbrella arched over her head. She turned around to recognize Adrien's black mask. He was holding the umbrella over her.


"Marinette... it's uh... nice to finally have friends. I think.. I think your a good friend for me, and your my first... real friend." He rubbed the back of his neck shyly. "This is all so... new to me."

"I uh..." she felt lost for words.

"Take it." He said and pushed the handle of the umbrella to her, their fingers brushed against each other as they exchanged hold of it.

She just looked at him awkwardly with big beautiful eyes that were hidden from his view by her ugly mask. "Th-tha-" suddenly the umbrella closed around her with a snap.

Adrien burst into laughter, and she rise the umbrella off her head with a frown. But she couldn't help but to giggle as well.

"See you at school Marinette." He said. Her name sounded so lovely on his lips. He walked past her kindly as his ride appeared.

"See you to- mor-row ." She replied finally after a slight pause. He smiled back at her before getting in his car and leaving.

'Am I... in love?' She asked herself as she watched the silver car drive away.

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