A good out look

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Class ended and Marinette went to get changed. As she came out of the changing room, she was met by Adrien. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"I-I called my assistant and she said I could walk you home. If that's alright." He was still really quiet. Marinette looked at him fire a few seconds. Her breath in was slow and steady as his was a bit panicked.

"That'd be lovely." She topped his arm and grabbed her stuff. "Shall we go?" She Asked. He nodded and they walked out of the bakery room.

Once they'd gotten outside, nothing happened. Nothing magical, nothing romantic, no chatter, nothing. Marinette still refuses to let go of his arm, she feared if she died she'd never get it back again. Their bulky weights clashed together making a sound like a hammer to a nail. Marinette but her lip nervously.

"A-Adrien?" She looked up at his masked face.

He took a while to respond. "Yes?" He finally said.

"Why are you ignoring every body?" She asked softly. Again he didn't respond for a while.

"W-when... when you left I got... I got scared." He looked at his feet. "I got so angry at every one cause no one dashed to care as much as I did. I-I wanted to protect you but you were gone." He felt joss eyes water. His arm shifted uncomfortably in hers.

"Hey... it's ok. Every one may dislike me but I still have you, right? And I'm here now, I'm not hurt." She sighed, placing her other hand on his shoulder.

Adrien tensed up, but quickly was able to relax. "Every one sucks." Marinette giggled.

"That May be true Adrien." She chuckled. "But don't hold a grudge. Loosen up a bit." She smiles from under her mask. They continued walking through Paris towards the Dupan-Cheng bakery.


"Hmm?" She hummed in response.

"Don't leave me again." His voice was shaky.

"I can try." She said and they both stopped on the sidewalk. But now the bakery was in view, but still a block or so away. Adrien didn't want to let her go, didn't want to let her leave, so he stopped. "What?"

"Marinette.." he faced her. He managed to gather his courage even though he was pretty sure he's told her before. "Marinette i love you."

Though she'd heard him say this before, her cheeks still got flashed and her heart wanted to fly from her chest and kiss and hug him at that very moment.

"I know. I love you to Adrien.. you know that right? I always will." She poule him into a hug. He fingered Her pigtails with his hand, resting his head on hers. He didn't want this moment to end. His day finally seemed ok, magical even.

"Thank you." He said as she pulled away. He traced his fingers along her mask. She froze. Her placed his gunners underneath it slightly, touching her soft skin.

He didn't lift the mask off.

He took her the rest of the way to her house and let her go, finally.


The next week it was time fire the concert. They only had seven more days till doom and they weren't really prepared mentally. It was also the last week of the first semester before Christmas, and finals were pressing their minds hard.

A/n I don't even know if they do finals in France but here in America they do so yeah. And for those of you who don't know, finals are a bunch of bug tests filled with every thing you learned in each of your classes that semester.

Marinette was studying for her biology test when her mom called get downstairs. Mrs. Cheng sounded over joyed, barely Annie to let Marinette hey down the stairs before delivering the new.

"TheballetisswitchingyourrolltotherollofJuliet!" She squealed.

"A what?" Marinette raised an eyebrow. Her mom took a deep breath.

"The ballet is thinking about giving you the roll of Juliet. I don't know how or why because we only have a week left but apparently you made quite a performance while filling in for Lila. They don't know what they'll do about the nurse, because no one else knows the roll. But isn't this exciting?! You could have a main part! Just like when you were Cinderella!" He mon appeared as Marinette got to the bottom of the stairs. Her eyes were wide in surprise, she didn't even know what to say.

"I..." She was list for words. This was all she ever wanted.

"More news! The concert will be put on live television as a Christmas special! All across France!" Her mon cheered.

"R-really? I'm gonna be on TV?!" Marinette was taken y even more surprise. "I..."

"Isn't it wonder full! I'm so excited!" Sabine grabbed so cookies. "let's celebrate!" She said and cheerfully handed a golden snickerdoodle to her daughter.

"Th-thank you?" Marinette felt her cheeks heat up. She couldn't believe it. This was a huge moment for her. And she might even be the start of the show! "I'm gonna tell my friends!" She started and ran back up the stairs.

"Ok honey!" Sabine chuckled and  Tom came in, smiling after having escaped for no apparent reason like he couldn't have just come in there himself but his lazy ass had no intention of doing that.

When Marinette got in her room, Tikki was dancing by her phone which was vibrating. Tikki squawked "Adrien! Adrien! I love you adrien!" She imitated Marinette.

Marinette rushed to the phone and picked or up. It was Adrien. She answered.

"H-hi?" She was already blushing.

"Did you hear?!" He sounded over joyed. Over the past week Adrien slowly has become himself again, but still heals some resentment to others.

"I'm gonna be Juliet?! Yes!" Marinette squealed.

"Maybe. But most likely because quite frankly Lila sucks." Adrien chuckled.

"And were gonna be on tv!" Marinette jumped up and down.

"Well I'm tv all the time.. not to brag." He said smugly.

"Oh whatever Mr. Agreste!" She pouted her bottom lip.

"Oh don't act like that." He laughed.

"Whatever. Hey do you want to hang out some time today?"

"Of course!" Adrien replied. "But... I have to make sure my father is ok with it."

"Call me when you do." Marinette said. "Later?"


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