Christmas Eve and Bad Omens

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"Marinette We can't be late now!" Marinette's mother screamed from the bakery which was now closing.

"I'm sorry my costume is bit hard to put on!" Marinette Yelled back.

"Do you need help then dear?" Her mother asked.

"Nope." Marinette opened the hatch of her bedroom floor and made her way down the hallway and to the stairs. Her parents stated in awe at their beautiful daughter. Her costume was all pink with geometric and flowery designs a crossed the top. (Like the pick up top) it perfectly matched her slippers. In her hand was a large red duffel with her other costumes for juliets wardrobe. Her hair was up in a neat bun and her skirt a stiff turf that pushed outward.

"You loom gorgeous darling." Her father said.

"Thanks papa." Marinette smiled. Her parents were all bundled up in ugly Christmas sweaters, a personal Dupan Cheng tradition. As soon as the concert was over Marinette knew they would force her into one. "You lol nice to." She smiled.

"We can't wait to see you light up the stage tonight!" Tom remarked proudly.

"Your going to be wonderful." Her mother commented off of her husbands statement. Evermore to the merrier.





"That's impossible!" A snarky officer dressed in all white barked at his accountant.

"I'm sorry officer but we had a call to the police earlier and the witness had suspicions of a bomb!" Said the small nimble woman, as she pushed up her large glasses. "I know it has a high possibility of being a prank of sorts but we must be on edge tonight."

"Madame this is the year 2045, where is someone going to get ahold of a bomb any more? They are banned! As is all other weapons which are exclusively shunned to the military and government! No one, I repeat NO ONE put that bomb there!" The man bellowed.

"I'm not saying it is certain yet sir!" The woman snapped back, instantly regretting it.

"I won't send anyone to a silly kids dance recital with word of a bomb. We promised France equality and safeness, and spreading fear may lead them to... rebel the fairness, and take off the masks." The man turned his back on her as he spoke. "Dr. Olsen you best get your evidence to line up with your word 100%, and report to me in two hours. Go."

"Yes sir!"





Marinette slammed the car door shut and her parents filled from the vehicle. She lead them inside, beating the rush hour. Marinette could feel the butterflies in her stomach after seeing the camera men in the lobby and their machines and tools lying about in an organized fashion.

But something else made her a bit uneasy. Something in the air wasn't right, something a bit... off putting... and she knew something was going to go wrong to night, or maybe she was paranoid.

She saw Lila unusually sitting with her legs crossed on the other side of the lobby. She wore an Al knowing face and Marinette knew she was up to know good. Perhaps she was going to throw a tomato at Marinette on stage or tie Marinette slippers together. Or hide her costumes.

Marinette would have to make sure to check her stuff constantly, and monitor it.

"See you after the recital then." Marinette spun on her heels to face her parents. She kissed each out then on the cheek (as best she could do with a mask and horns, I mean it was basically grazing cheeks with no actual contact but still)

"I already can see it!" Her father dramatically raised his arms. "Marinette events stage! Opening scene!"

"Pfft." Marinette snorted. "Dad have you ever even read Romeo and Juliet?" She chuckled.

"No why?"

Marinette souffle her laughter. "Nothing." She hid her misleading  smile. Marinette cushy a gloms off Adrien down the hall. "Ok I have to go now!" She waved her parents off and bounced down the hall.





"We have another witness." The accountant aka Dr. Olsen informed her colleagues. They busted in whisper. "Would some one call the Chief off police please?"

"On it." Said one of them and got the Chief online.

"Readings?" Dr. Olsen questioned to the group she typed furiously on her keyboard.

"Nothing to unusual, just strange heat from below the stage. Must be the performers."

"Cameras?" She asked.

"We only see the audience come in so far."

"Good good. But can we send some one down there?" She asked.

"The soonest we can do that is in an hour." Said one of the colleagues.

"Damn it!" She spawned her fists in the table in frustration. We only have an hour and a half! I'll go there myself!" She pulled on her coat.

"We can't-"

"Oh yes I can! There will be over 800 people there tonight and is being broadcasted live! We can't spread fear! We mask it!" She flared.

"I'll call the main officer."

"I have the chief!" Said one on the phone.

"Great! Tell him to send some one down to meet me. And exploration the situation!" Dr. Olsen ordered. She made her way out of her office. "And don't let word get out!"

"Yes ma'am."





"You ready?" Adrien placed a hand on Marinette shoulder.

"Only super nervous." She chuckled.

"You good?" Adrien looked at her with his gorgeous green eyes full of worry.

"I promise you I'm fine. Are you fine? Your fine. Am I fine? I'm fine. See?" She places her hand on the shoulder that his own rested upon. She stories his fingers tenderly. Adrien took a rep breath.

The sound of glass shattering followed by a dozen students shushing made Marinette jump. Their heads swiveled to the back of the room where Luka has dropped a wall mirror.. some how. It had shattered every where.

... bad omens...

It repeated in Marinette mind, but she didn't believe in that stuff. She lashed it off followed by more shushing as they cleaned up the mess.

The stage director ran backstage to the headroom where the dancers were. "It's opening scene!" He hissed ans the required dancers followed him out.

The auditable quickly got in their seats as the lights dimmed. Some one on a micro phone read the chorus out loud;

Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whole misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.





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