On the Eve of Christmas Eve

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So this was it. The day before Christmas Eve. The last dance rehearsal. Marinette was nervous beyond imaginable. Tomorrow she would be broadcasted across the country for people even interested watching, and she had the main roll.

In case your wondering what happened with the nurse and Juliet roll, the actual story was that the studios had found out that Lila had blackmailed Marinette, and Mrs. Geritz saw she new the part really well. So Marinette was Juliet but you already knew that.

The nurse? Well they hired a professional ballet dancer to be her, with money of course. They didn't make the dancer be Juliet though because this was supposed to show the student's abilities and talents.

Lila was required to work backstage and make sure the kids were ready for their parts. A land roll. But Lila was ruthless, and would get her revenge. You see, Lila had an unknown medical condition called psychosis. It made her impulsive, delusional, have thought disorders, was constantly paranoid in ways you wouldn't expect, difficulty focusing, and constant mood changes. That's why she lied like it was how she breathed. That's why she stole the bird. That's why she was mean. And why she created illusions for herself, calling herself Volpina. Whoever that was. But she was never diagnosed.

So to ruin Marinette's concert she did what any other person would do. Plant a bomb.

She some how, some way, for some reason, got ahold of a bomb. A real bomb. It had a timer set for midnight, as it became Christmas morning. It was under the stage, hooked to one of the gas poles that controlled AC. And know one knew.

Don't even ask who gave it to her, she's Lila she can do anything through the power of lies ok?

But with that monstrosity down below the stage, the dance preformed their last practice run through until they were sure that on Christmas Eve it would be perfect. But Christmas Eve is tomorrow and the little kids were chasing g stress for they still didn't know their part, and they had a celebrity ballerina with them asWell, also causing anxiety for the performers trying to impress her.

"Hey your doing great." Adrien put a hand on Marinette's knee, sitting next to her. Her obviously noticed her tension.

"Thanks Adrien." She said sweetly,but her face was still sad looking, as she but her lip anxiously, repeatedly shifting her hands.

"Hey when this is over, you wanna grab a coffee?" Adrien asked.

"Sure." Marinette replied. Going anywhere with Adrien would make her feel better. They are watching so Jazz performers flock about the stage with cool tunes, pretending to be onlookers at the battle between Mercurio and Tybalt. "Mercurio" jumped up from behind a false well.

"That's my que. I'll be back M'lady." He smiled teasingly. Marinette felt her cheeks grow hot and red.

Adrien aka Romeo drew his sword and bounded onstage, holding it to Mercurio's neck, then drawing it to Tybalt. Tybalt was played by one of the advanced Hip Hop artists, a boy Marinette had barely known before named Luka. Marinette rubbed her mask in exhaustion.

Adrien was sumbolizing peace between the two rival names when Luka jumped up and landed low to the ground, ducking under the false sword and spinning on his hips towards Mercurio, (Makenzie). He leaned up on one hand and did a one handed hand stand, and spread his legs in the splits. Makenzie leapt elegantly through the legs like a swan, and Luka rolled backwards so he was behind her.

Dancing like this was hard because the weights made you clumsy and hard to jump and move in. Silly, right?

Makenzie grabbed a sword and so did Luka, facing each other in sync. They placed their hands together and elegantly strode around each other, before raising the swords to each other's throats in an agressive manner. Adrien spun on one foot and released his arm and sword, throwing the props from Makenzie and Luka's hands. They clashed to the floor and Luka jumped back. He did a dramatic backflip and grabbed a dagger prop on the ground. He did some cool upbeat dancing around the stage with a dagger in stage, taking the jazz members with him.

They would crowd in around Adrien and Makenzie, then fly away repeatedly. Until every one scattered revealing Luka "stabbing" Makenzie.

It was one of the most dramatic scenes Marinette had yet seen. Also she kinda liked that Luka kid. When Adrien returned to her, Marinette had to go on stage.


"It's closed." Marinette sighed looking at the depressing sight of a closed Starbucks before her and Adrien.


"I mean, it makes sense. It's almost Christmas." Marinette's checked her watch. "Wanna make cookies at my house? My dad just sent me text saying they need extra help. Too many customers not enough sweets."

"That would be lovely princess." Adrien smiled with his goofy grin.

"What's with all the nicknames today?" Marinette giggled, trying to hide her frantically blushing face.

"What nicknames?" Adrien asked as they started heading back down the road.

"You called me your lady, and princess." Marinette reminded him.

"I like them. If you don't want me calling you that though.."

"No it's fine. Enjoy every moment while it lasts right?" Marinette continued giggling.

"As always bugaboo." Adrien smiled back.







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