She hangs like a rich jewel on an Ethiope's ear

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Marinette fell on her bed and cried. She pulled a pillow to her chest and pulled out her phone to text some one. She didn't know who. She scrolled through her contacts and paused at Adriens name. She hesitated to press call... in fact she decided not to. She instead called Alya.

The phone rang for a bit before her best friend answered.

"Hey?" Alya's voice answered.

"Alya! Oh my gosh my day sucks! I mean... uh... can I talk to you?" Marinette began to mumble.

"What is wrong with you?!" Alya sounded angry.

"What do you mean? I mean, a lot of things are but uh.... yeah."

"Oh don't act like you don't know!" Alya continued. "Lila is at my house crying because of you!"

"Wait what?! You let... Lila to you house?" Marinette was dumbstruck.

"It was the least I could do, cause  I'm a nice person, Marinette!"

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Huh?! How girl?! You monster! Lila tools me you stole her childhood bird, and have been calling it yours for years! She was too nervous to say anything because of her ear toner, which goes off all the time!" Alya rambled.

"She has Tikki!? Alya She's a liar!"

"Well obviously you don't know right or wrong! She found the poor thing in the streets today! Tikki is back where she belongs, with Lila!" Alya suddenly hung up. Marinette slammed her phone to the bed. She always tried to be a nice person to every one, but right now Lila pushed her to far!

It was time to expose her secret..


Marinette didn't even wait for Adrien as she stormed to the dance the next day. She had to get there before Lila, and she didn't want to really tell Adrien what she was up to. She threw open the doors of the building and raced inside. She got to the bakery room finally and saw it..

Lila. Lila Rossi, holding Tiki. Lila looked so evil at the moment, Marinette could swear she saw a dark aura around her.

"Lila what are you doing with my bird?!" Marinette shrieked in anguish.

"Oh, this pretty thing? Haha, well she stumbled back home to me, You thief!" Lila snarled.

"That's my bird you liar!" Marinette stormed over to Lila. "Your not even holding her right!" Marinette reached out a hand for Tikki. Lila slapped Marinette's wrist away.

"Don't you say that! I've already lost enough, this is my bird, I'm not losing her like I lost my dad!" Fake tears formed in Lila's eyes. But her evil sheet never faded. At that moment the instructor came in, but only Marinette took no notice.

"What are you saying?! Liar Lila!" Marinette fumed up.

"What is going on?!" Mrs. Geritz the instructor stopped.

"Marinette... *sob* ... is reminding me... *sniff* of my dad! ... *sob* she st-st-stole my b-b-bird!" Lila lied.

"Marinette is this true?" Mrs. Geritz looked at her in concern. Marinette glanced at Lila who made eye contact with her. She wrote and evil sheer as she fingered Tikki's throat in a symbol of death. Marinette shuttered.

"Y-yes. I-I stole her b-bird. Thief." Marinette whispered the last part in a hiss directed for Lila.

"Well Marinette, i thank you for your honesty, but if we have that happen again, I will not allow you into this play." Mrs. Geritz scolded.

"It's not HER fault!" Said a familiar voice behind them. Marinette looked over Mrs. Geritz's shoulder and saw him, Adrien.

"Adrien? What is the meaning of this?!" Mrs. Geritz gasped.

"This: pronoun: used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced. Or referring to a specific thing or situation just mentioned." Adrien replied with a snicker. "Ok but seriously, Mrs, why on earth would up and believe Lila?!"

Lila made a small pup squirrel gasping noise. Marinette froze, feeling her heart skip a beat. The instructor's eyes widened. "Adrien, ... I"

"Save it Mrs Geritz!" Adrien heels up a finger. The instructor fumed in anger.

"Adrien Agreste What is the meaning of this sudden change of behavior?!" She barked.

"Mrs, you shouldn't believe Lila. She manipulates every one to get what she wants or to make some one else's life miserable!" Adrien went on.

"Adrien What are you doing?!" Marinette gasped.

"I-" Suddenly He flinched a bit and then looked at them dumbfounded. The ear buzzer went off at the perfect time. Marinette let our a sigh of relief. "W-What was I saying?"

"Adrien come with me to the hall!" The instructor pulled him from the classroom.

"Ooh, saved by the buzzer aren't we?" Lila snickered. "If you try and expose my secret, Marinette Dupan Cheng, this bird will be put down. Get what I'm saying?"

"I-I... yes." Marinette looked down in shame.

"Maybe Her burden will lift some weight off your shoulders.. oh wait," Lila cracked up. "You know, you can't blame those weights for being Why you didn't make the Juliet role. You can hardly dance from what I'VE seen." She smirked. "Better go get... ready Mrs, *giggle* Nurse."

Marinette said nothing and went to get changed.


"Marinette, it's not your fault." Adrien cooed. They were walking home.

"But it is! I should have exposed her when I had the chance. You were right Adrien." Marinette started to cry. "My best friends turned on me, Tikki was stolen, and now my life is crumbling away!"

"Ooh don't be so dramatic." Adrien chuckled. "Hey in a change of subject, I have a lot of parts in the dance where I need Juliet, but I don't want any extra time than needed with Lila."

"What are you saying?" Marinette asked.

"Would you be my Juliet tonight?" Adrien replied.

"As always, Romeo."

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