So what happens now?

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Tried something different, let me know if you like it.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been super busy 😁


Alex didn't know what to do nor how to react. She didn't know whether to still be mad at Piper or just get over it? I mean at least she is now safe from those guys who were literally going to kill her. Plus she is with her Pipes, what could be better? Well, lying on a beach in the Bahamas would top it but anywhere is fine as long as she is with her girl.
It was the next morning at breakfast and Alex joined Nicki, Morello and Piper at the usual table. There was no silence whatsoever, questions were getting thrown at Alex from all directions. Piper slammed her hand aggressively on the table so that everyone would silence for her and simply said;
"No more questions, Alex is exhausted and can't be fucked with all this right now can you?"
Alex hesitantly looked up from her unsatisfying breakfast and nodded her head at Piper then looked back down holding on tightly to her neck for comfort.
Something was wrong and it wasn't just the chaos at breakfast. After breakfast Alex went to her bunk because she hadn't been reassigned her job yet, she lay there curled up in a ball staring with a blank expression at a wall.
Piper was off work because Luschek was "Ill" which was actually code for "still drunk and stoned from the night before"
Piper new there was something up with Alex, she just couldn't think of what it could be. So she walked in and saw Alex laying there with tears rolling down her face, at this moment she was glad the dorm was empty, no one ever sees her cry. EVER. Piper ran over to Alex, sat beside her and pulled her into her arms. Alex burst out and cried;
"Piper I have fucked up everything in my life! Nothing good ever stays good, and I lose everyone and everything which is important to me! What the fuck is the point any more? Like seriously, I've lost all hope in myself. I'm done, I'm sorry Pipes"
The pair of them both had tears running down their faces, holding Alex's hand Piper looked straight into her hurting eyes and wiped away her tears with her free hand. She softly said "Alex, there's everything to live for right now, well yeah, everything might now be a lot but we're together and I'm never letting you go again. Ok? I love you more than I have ever loved anyone". Alex nodded and cracked a smile whilst trying to get the words "I love you too" out of her mouth.
Piper grabbed Alex's wrist because she was going to stand up and Alex jump away in pain. Piper confused and concerned expression said it all, she stood up and took Alex's hand in hers and slowly rolled up her sleeve to see an explosion of red and mess. Piper didn't know how to react? Alex was always the strong one. Alex had just finished crying and yet she burst out with more tears than she knew she had in her. Alex started to run out of the dorms, to the bathrooms Piper guessed, so she ran after her entering the bathroom a few seconds behind Alex. When Piper burst through the door she found Alex collapsed helplessly on the floor with a blade in her hand. She new not to rush to anything because you never know what the reaction of Alex could be.
Piper stood in the door way trying to think of something to say or do, Alex obviously knew she was lurking behind her as she could see her in the reflection of the mirror. "Don't" Alex cried, "just don't even try, it's pointless"
Piper walked in sat In front of her and took Alex's hand and whilst the blade was in the hand placed it on her own wrist and said "if you want to cut something cut me! That's how it feels if you're doing it to yourself anyway. Take the fucking thing and slice my skin, won't hurt as much as it's hurting me seeing you do this do yourself!"
Alex sat in silence staring straight into Pipers eyes, "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry" she pleaded and Alex through the blade away and took Piper into her arms.
"I will never do it again, I promise"
"I love you Pipes" she said apologetically
"I love you too Al" piper whispered back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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