we fell in love in october

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"We fell in love in October
That's why I love Fall
Lookin' at the stars
Admirin' from afar
My girl, My girl, My girl
You will be my girl"

~happy spooky szn y'all~


El walked down the street, the crunch of her boots under the autumn leaves only made her enjoy the feeling of the new season that surrounded her.

She felt that she could finally breathe and wasn't weighed down by the heavy hotness of summer. Sure, El liked the sun and summer vacation especially. But she really loved Autumn.

When the leaves would change on the trees, when they would become alive to dead as they fell off the branches that swayed so delicately in the wind.

The cool air that she could breathe in her lungs, it didn't feel like she was actually being suffocated. She loved autumn, the clothes, the weather. Pretty much everything.

She really loved Halloween.

Halloween was another part of fall that she adored so much. She loved dressing up and pretending to be someone else just to get sugar.

The thought excited her.

So yes, It was safe to say that El loved Fall.

Said Girl, stuck hands in her light purple hoodie pocket, walking down the side of the road towards one of her bestfriends houses.

Nancy Wheeler.

Sure, she was an upperclassman and El didn't know much about her but she considered herself to be pretty good friends with the older Wheeler sister.

Hopper offered to take her to Nancy's house but El insisted that she would just walk after school, she needed to clear her head anyways.

It had been a long day at school and she just wanted to forget about it.

So her dad didn't push her and said to call him when she was ready to be picked up. El didn't argue with him and just nodded and said a meek yes before getting off the pay phone and walking towards her set destination.

So here she was, Forty-Five minutes later. Walking to Nancy's house and breathing in the Fall air. It wasn't that long of a walk but El had never really walked to Nancy's before. She had always picked her up or her dad had always dropped her off so she got kinda lost.

About another twenty or so minutes passed before she made it too the familiar cul-de-sac. She pushed onwards and walked down the road, making sure that there were no cars that were pulling out of the driveways.

Making it up the steps to the front door, pushing the doorbell and waiting. El was nervous and she didn't really know why.

She had been here before, why was she so nervous and anxious all of a sudden?

A couple seconds later, the answer to her question swung the door open. "How can I help you?" The boy asked and honestly she didn't know how to respond.

Did Nancy have a brother too?

El was so confused, was this Nancy's brother? They looked nothing alike. I mean, there was some resemblance if you really looked but El didn't wanna be weird and just start staring at this totally random boy she just met.

𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎/𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now