Entry 21

45 4 0

Deer Jurnal,

We just got bak from the resterant. It waz one of those litle facie plases, and the food was nyze. 

Howevar, I do whish that we got a less snooty waiter. 

He kept on loocing at me nose, and he woodnt stop talking abowt how big it waz. He recugnised who we weer, but he didnt care. 

I dowbt that he did.

When he browt owr food over, he told me how unsanitery it was to haf a frog as a pet. I told him that Bartholomew was a good frog, but he just laufed.

Hopfuly, none of owr fans ar like him.

After we payd for the food, George gave him a peic of his mind. 

At leest he did somthin. John and Paul just ignord it. 

Bartholomew was stil on the bed when we caim back heer, so thats good. 

Im just not in a good mood rite now. 

But, seein how its only the midle of the day, I ges that Ill feel beter by tonite. Maybie, Ill ask me freinds what els we can do today.

A strol on the park thats a few blocks from heer sownds nice. 


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