Entry 53

34 4 0

Dear Journal,

I have quite a bit to write down this time.

It's nighttime now, and Bartholomew is still under the bed. I just looked under it a few minutes ago, and he just stared back at me, silent.

He still wouldn't come out when I told him to, so I'm just letting him sleep there for tonight.

Secondly, I never noticed how soft this purple blanket is. I should thank Dr. Abell for getting it. It's much more comfortable than the one I had back at the hotel anyway.

Thirdly, I decided to do some other reading in some of the other books in that big room.

I just got out some books that were at a higher level than the one I'm reading now, and I could read them just fine.

In fact, I actually feel myself getting smarter right now.

Now, that's something Dr. Abell would be proud to hear.

One of the books was about space, and another one was about animals.

I'll still be reading one chapter of Charlotte's Web a day, just to stay in habit.

Also, I've just started to think about something.

I've been thinking about how my friends acted before I got this whole operation done.

I don't know why, but some part of me is starting to feel something.

I don't know what it is yet, but I don't think it feels nice.

It's probably nothing. 

Anyway, that's all I have for tonight.


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