Entry 49

36 3 0

Dear Journal,

I am very confused.

I found Bartholomew in once of the clothes baskets in the bathroom, and when I took him up to the windowsill to show him the rain outside, he didn't look interested in it.

He always liked the rain before.

But then, when I brought him to the front door, he jumped out of my hands and started hopping upstairs, croaking loudly as he did so.

I tried to chase him,but I lost him when he got into my closet.

He never hated the rain before. Why is he acting like that know?

I don't know if I should call Dr. Abell to tell him this.

I can't see how his intelligence can lead him to hate something he used to love. I mean, he still loves being in the pond I made for him, so I don't understand.

I'm going to try to find him again.


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