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Demons come crashing through my roof, the debris falling around me. I couldn't count how many there were as they kept coming. I was in my living room, putting my son Alex to sleep. They didn't realize I was right in the middle of the room as they all headed off in different directions. I shielded my son from the debris that was still falling quickly grabbed his baby bag, and began to run for my life. I could hear the many voices shouting my name as I pushed my way out the front door. My son isn't just any old regular baby: his father is a demon who tricked me into sleeping with him. Ever since he was in my womb, I've been on Hell's radar since. His birth caused a physical disturbance, alerting both Heaven and Hell. I tried to get into my car but before I could, Alex's father jumped onto the roof of my car, making quite an entrance.

"Come on Y/N! Let me have my son!" The father yells as I run from my car, "he's a legacy!"

"Stay away from me!" I shouted, dropping my keys somewhere, and proceeded to not look back.

He and several other demons were now on my tail and I couldn't stop running, not even a second. I couldn't hold Alex anymore but I had no other choice and he began to cry, not being able to catch his breath in between. I didn't know where the hell I was but all I knew was that I needed to find someplace soon. After what seemed like forever, I could no longer hear them behind me. I knew I was running for a while because my legs were burning up as well as my arms. It started pouring rain as soon as I stopped running and I just let out an audible sigh but did my best to shield Alex. I walk for another 10 minutes, soaking wet and cold when I end up seeing a slightly older and tall man exit a black muscle car. My response was to quickly rush over to him and beg him for help, so, that's exactly what I did.

Alex began to cry again and that grabbed the man's attention. I carefully walked up to him, not saying a word. He looks over at me and quickly hovers the umbrella over us. I couldn't make out any words at all but just showed my son, in hopes that he'd understand. His immediate response was to invite me inside  His eyes were filled with worry and concern. He looks outside before locking the door. He gently leads me down the stairs into a weird room with a map table. I had nothing to lay Alex to rest in and my arms were growing tired from holding him the whole time. Another man with a stubble beard and blonde hair walks in, a beer in one of his hands and a book in the other. I could not feel my fingers or my nose due to how cold the rain was. The tall guy then walks over to the concentrated man, leans over, and whispers something in his ear that makes him rest the beer and book on the table.

"Hey, sweetheart. I'm Dean... what's your name?" he says as he approaches me, a soft glare in his eyes.
"Y/N... please, I need help..."
"Oh, sweetheart. You're soaking wet and you must be cold. Come, let's see if I have anything for you."

I hand Alex over to the tall man, hesitant about leaving him. I was still so afraid that they'd find us and hurt us for running away. I follow Dean down a couple of hallways and into a dim room. He invited me to sit down on the bed as he began to search for some clothing. The room was quite boring; nothing to decorate the walls and only a lamp sat upon the wardrobe. He proceeded to question why I was asking for help and why was I in the rain with a child. I then proceeded to tell him about my situation, adding that I had no acknowledgment of the supernatural till I found out about my baby. He didn't say anything else, making me believe that I was crazy. After a few minutes, he eventually handed me some clothing: socks, a shirt, and some PJ pants.

"Get dressed. I'll be outside whenever you're ready," he softly says with a smile, "you can hand me your clothes so I can give them a quick wash."
"Thank you...," I whisper.

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