Journey Back

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Next morning, while Yunlan and Shen Wei and his twins was having a picnic outside of their room.

A message came, they needed back at the castle of Yunlan for there is danger lurking near their kingdom. The creature is already seen and devoured every creatures that came it's contact. As they all prepared to depart. Yezun came with Da quing for he didn't to be apart from him. As well as Sha Ya to Lin Jing. While the king of the Ocean World gave some few of his best men to help the Wing Village to kill the beast. "Yunlan promise if we get there you will stay inside with our twins!" Said Shen Wei.

"You forgotten I'm not a damsel in distress! I will fight also!" He said. "But your pregnant! If I say no I say no! Don't be stubborn!" He shout. Making all the people look at them. Yunlan frown and go back to his carriage. "Gege! Don't shout to Yunlan like that his pretty sensetive because his pregnant!" Said Yezun. Da quing went to the carriage seeing Yunlan carrying his Weiyan and Lan lan.

"Hey! Don't be mad to Shen Wei his only wants your safety because your pregnant!" Said Da quing. "Yes! I know but sometimes I feel like I'm useless!" His babies suddenly called him, " Dada..." Making him feel happy a little.

As the caravan begin their journey back. Yunlan didn't want to talk to Shen Wei because his a little mad to him. Shen Wei on the other hand went beside Yunlan carriage seeing his beloved sitting beside the driver he suddenly hold Yunlan's hand startling him. And giving him the doe eyes so he might forgive him. Yunlan was about to retrieve back his hand when Shen Wei kiss it. "Can you forgive me in shouting at you! I just don't want you to get hurt in the battlefield since your pregnant. I would die if that creature got you! So please let me do the fighting just this once." While looking to Yunlan's face. Yunlan want to pout but seeing that beautiful eyes staring at him making him melt. As he smile back to Shen Wei and lean his face to kiss him. But suddenly the carriage bump into a rock, making him almost fall. As Shen Wei caught him. Yunlan suddenly wrapped his arms around his neck and kiss him passionately forgetting there's many people looking at them. "Get a room you too!" Shout Da quing teasingly to them.

"Your just jealous Wei is more romantic than Yezun!" Shout Yunlan back as he lean to Shen Wei and wrapped his arms around him. Da quing just roll his eyes as other chuckled. "Baby! Do you want to be kiss like that?!" Ask Yezun. "Not here! Will you!" As Da quing blushed and divert his gaze as Yezun stolen a kiss on his cheek making him red.

Lin Jing on the other hand try to steal a kiss on Sha Ya. But Guo suddenly appeared between them in the carriage and accidentally kiss him instead. "Guo! Ewww!" Said Lin Jing. While Guo rubbed his cheek in discuss while Sha Ya laugh. "Stop teasing Guo!" Shout general Chu.

While at a certain cave,the creature giving birth to many eggs. As he caress his eggs. "Wait till my children hatched! They will be hungry just like me and devour anything that pass their way!"

When night came the caravan stopped to rest. As they made a bon fire near their camp. The wing soldiers roam at the sky if theirs danger near by while the merman soldiers. Is at the ground smelling anything that any thing walk or crawls toward them.

Inside the carriage while the baby twins are sleeping. Shen Wei was making love non stop to his Yunlan, thrusting some and ravishing Yunlan's lips. While the latter hold him tightly moaning for more. "Your making me crazy for you my beautiful angel!" As he rock his body unto him. And scream his name until he burst inside of him.

As both trying to relax their breath. "Wei! Wei! I love you so much!" As Yunlan pulled him for a kiss. That made Shen Wei smile as he replied him with a kiss while thrusting into him again. "If we always do this I might get pregnant again and again. That made Shen Wei laugh a little, " I don't mind as long as I can have you every night!"
As he continue to kiss while caressing Yunlan flustered body.

The next morning, as they continue their journey. Shen Wei is in the carriage now with Yunlan leaning unto him. "Aren't you leading us now?!" Ask Yunlan. "Let general Chu take my place because I'm guarding the most important thing here. And that is you and the twins. As he kiss his head. Yunlan just snogle back to Shen Wei's embrace and never letting him go.

    Suddenly when they pass by a town. One of their soldier shout. Making them all alert. "Wait here!" Said Shen Wei to Yunlan. As they came to the town no creature or people were found. As one of the soldiers found a child whose shivering from fright.

     "What happened to your village?!" Shen Wei ask. "Monsters! Attack us! They're small but all of them was eaten by them and they're mother came! She was huge! It killed my parents and town folks! Even my pet dog! It ate it!" Cried the child. Shen Wei embrace him and comfort him. "Hush! Child don't worry your safe now!" As he brought him to Yunlan.

     "What have happened?! Where's the people?!" He ask. We're to late the creature and it's children came here and eaten everyone! We must ride fast the next village will be your kingdom Yunlan!" As Shen Wei quickly lead the caravan toward Yunlan's kingdom. Hoping that the town is not yet conquer by the creature.

     As they came to the gate one of the soldiers blow it's horn indicating they arrive. As it open and they are welcome by Yunlan's parents and it's people. "Thank God you are all safe!" Said Yunlan while embracing his parents. "The creature they almost got to us, luckily our soldiers fought hard and thanks to the armor and weapons of the Ocean World we defeat them. But they will come back for their so hungry and far to many.

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