Run Away Groom

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      An hours pass, as the wedding is ready. While Shen Wei sit on the bench tied in a rope with many men guarding him.

      A sweating Yunlan waited at the altar while Sha Ya with her parents walking beside her toward the altar. As they gave their daughter's hand to Yunlan. "Stop!" Someone shout. As everybody look whose shouting, Lin Jing. "You can't marry him! What about your promise to me! I'm the only one you love dearly, you said.

    Yunlan and Sha Ya was shock. "Who are you?!" Said Sha Ya. As she look to Lin Jing from head to foot. While all of them diverted to Lin Jing. General Chu and Guo knock down the men and freeing Shen Wei. As Yunlan see his beloved free.

     He suddenly flapped his wings and fly toward him. Shen Wei was still recovering from taking off the rope when Yunlan swapped and lift him up. "Take care of them General Chu! Shout Yunlan. As he salute and fly away with Shen Wei.

    Shen Wei hold to Yunlan tightly. For this is the first time he experience flying. "Don't let me fall! Husband!" As he close his eyes and cling to him.

     While below Sha Ya scream to his men that his groom is getting away. While his men fight Chu and Guo. Lin Jing can't help but to flirt to the beautiful princesses, "I'm available if you want?" As he wink. "Who ask you!" Said Sha Ya angrily. That made Lin Jing mad. "I have enough of rejection!" He suddenly lift the shock Sha Ya, flapped his wings and fly off with her. "The princesses!" Shout her mother.

      "What the f_ck! Lin Jing doing!" Said Chu. As his men came to help them. "Oh! No! General Chu! What are we gonna do?!" Said Guo. "Follow them! You idiot!" As both fly toward Lin Jing.

    In Yunlan case, he was having fun feeling the hot breath of wife on his neck while shivering. "I can't believe he can act this cute too, scared of height! When his fierce as a lion when he fight an enemy!" Said Yunlan to himself.

     "Xiao Wei my love! Open your eyes! And look at the beautiful sky with me! This is why wing creature love their wings we can fly anywhere we want! Come on don't be a scaredy-cat! I want you to see what I see.

      Shen Wei tried to open his eyes looking at his young husband while looking at every direction. "It is very beautiful!" He said. "But not as beautiful as you?!" Said Yunlan. That made Shen Wei blushed. And was surprised as Yunlan suddenly kiss him.

     The kiss was so soft and gentle that made Shen Wei respond to the kiss as he deepen it. They didn't know they would collide to Lin Jing whose doing it also to Sha Ya. As both shout that almost made them both fall and spin while carrying both their love ones. Luckily they're quickly recover from it.

      As Yunlan sign their fine as well Lin Jing make an okay sign not noticing their carrier become dizzy and almost puke.  "Put me down this instant!" Shout Shen Wei for his getting unconcious. While Sha Ya hitting Lin Jing for almost making her fall. "You idiot! What if I fall!" While hitting him on the head. "Ouch! Sha Ya! Stop!" Said Lin Jing.

     As both men swooped down making both their carrier scream and hold to them tightly. When both Yunlan and Lin Jing touched the ground. "I'll never speak to you again!" Shout Shen Wei. But when he stand on his own two feet. His legs wobble and almost fall. Luckily Yunlan is there to catch him.

    "Your so cute my wife! Maybe we should do this always?" He said. "What?!" As Shen Wei want to protest but was cut by Yunlan passionate kiss to him.

     Lin Jing on the other hand laugh and was stop by Sha Ya hitting him on his chest. "You must take responsibility on me!" She protest. While she shyly smile on him. "Yes! I will marry you if you want now!" He said. As he sign to Yunlan that he found the one for him, fly and left.

     Yunlan on the other hand smirk to his friend. Then look back to his wifey whose still waiting for him for what to do next. He can't believe his fierce wife can be cute and weak also. "Do you want to fly again?" He ask while his running his finger through his hair. That made Shen Wei blushed. "No! I want to do something else!" While doing his doe eyes.

     Moment pass under the shade of tree behind the bushes. Shen Wei made love to Yunlan non stop. "Stop! Wei! This is not what I have in mind!" As Yunlan is at the bottom again while Shen Wei's on top, thrusting his prize again to Yunlan. "Oh! No! Your gonna pay for flying me up there and making me a scaredy-cat there!" As he pant while rocking his body to Yunlan non stop.
"If your gonna do this again! We're gonna have a baby again!" Wyn Yunlan. "But that's my point dear husband!" As he suddenly scream his name and burst inside of Yunlan. Yunlan follows him in a minute. "Your bad!" Shout Yunlan to him. "I know!" As Shen Wei whispered to him and captured his plump lips while rocking his body unto him again.

     An hour pass, as General Chu grumble furiously almost breaking anything he touched. Chu trying to calmed him down. But can't, first as he and Guo rescue their prince. The prince ran away with his wife then Lin Jing ran away with the princesses. Then later on they heard to Lin Jing that his gonna married to the princesses tomorrow, many preparation must be done.  While the prince and his wife is still missing.

    Many things is happening that General Chu trying to control but can't. As he frustration is relieved when he saw the prince and his wife came back. But the surprise is  his prince walk differently as his hair, his clothes and wings are all covered up with leaves. And he look like a mess as well his calmed wife. While his wife trying to take off from his husband the leaves and combing his hair. His husband slapped his hands. And huff and left him toward their room. "What happened?!" General Chu and Guo as worriedly.
"I thought the two of you had escape! Why his looking so angry?!" He ask. "You can say we run into a diversion and it's kinda sweet! And thanks for rescuing us General Chu and Guo!"  As Shen Wei happily went inside their room. General Chu and Guo just look at each other with puzzle written all over their face.

 General Chu and Guo just look at each other with puzzle written all over their face

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