The Changes In Me

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       Shen Wei slashed the monster arms as it tried to thrust its tail on his chest. It howl in pain. "I cannot forgive you for hurting my husband!" Shen Wei shout.

     While Yunlan on the other hand was brought to the doctors to fix his wounds at the back. "Sir! Please take care of our prince! He is hurt badly! And I need to go back outside to help our soldiers. The doctors nod in reply as they took Yunlan to the ER.  While Chu went back outside to help the others.

     As he went to the castle were the people are hiding, he help Guo and Da quing in defeating the other monsters with the help of the weapons that Shen Wei gave them. As they defeated all the creatures there. "Where is Yunlan!" Ask Da quing. As general Chu lead them to the hospital with the twins. After that he went outside to help the others.

      While Shen Wei on the other hand, trying to defeat the monster with all might. As he cut the monster's arms again and again. It just grew back. Suddenly he saw the dagger on its shoulder, a smiled played on his face. As he pulled the dagger on its shoulder, it scream in pain. The beast tried to reach it's claw to Shen Wei and it's fangs. Shen Wei just evade it. But as he grip the arms and legs of the beast he cut it into many pieces with the help of his dagger.

     While the beast tried to pierce him with it's sharp tongue. Shen Wei evade it again as he hold it he cut it with it's claw. And finally the head as he slashed it. The beast's body fall but still it's trying to find it's head. Shen Wei suddenly crushed it's head with his fist again and again  until all that remain was it's eyes. Shen Wei stumped it as well. As the body of the beast stop in moving.

     While the other monsters sense their mother died. They suddenly stop and frozen to it's place. This is the chance that General Chu needed he called the soldiers to thrust their swords and  burned all the beasts bodies until nothing was left.

    Moment past Shen Wei came running with Yezun, Sha Ya, Lin Jing and general Chu toward the hospital  where Yunlan is operating. They saw Yunlan's parents with Da quing, Guo and his twin babies.
"The doctor said the operation is successful but they found out something in his blood stream is affecting him. " Said Da quing.

    "What do you mean?!" Ask Shen Wei. "Prince Yunlan is been affected by the beast blood and it's combining with him! We don't know what will happen . We're trying to develop a new medicine, as for now we're taking out the blood  of the beast and transferring him new blood given by his parents." As the doctor appeared behind him.

     "Braise yourself! We don't know what will the blood of the beast do to your husband! Your majesty!" Said the doctor. "Can I see him?!" He ask. "Please sire! Change your clothes first! I don't want my patient to be affected by the pollution outside. As he saw Shen Wei is drench with blood by the beast.

      As he take a shower first on one of the bathroom of the hospital and was given new clothes. That's the time he can visit Yunlan.

     When Yunlan open his cute brown eyes. He saw his wifey worried face, "Did you won?!" He ask. Shen Wei suddenly took his hand and kiss it. As he nod in reply, "How about you?" Shen Wei ask. "I don't know I feel so sleepy maybe the medicine that was given to me, is still affecting me!" As he smirk.

    Shen Wei is shock as he saw one of Yunlan's teeth is becoming a fang. "What is it?!" Yunlan ask. When he notice Shen Wei's worried face. "Nothing! Nothing at all!" As he  embrace Yunlan.

      Yunlan chuckled. "My wifey miss me so much?!" As he hugged Shen Wei back. That night Shen Wei didn't leave Yunlan side. For Yunlan might change and won't recognize him. "Yunlan! Even you change into a monster! I will still love you!" He whispered to himself.

     By the next morning, Shen Wei was so tired he didn't notice Yunlan went to the bathroom as he saw himself to the mirror he scream. Making Shen Wei fall off the chair. As he tried to find Yunlan whose in the bathroom.

      "Beloved! What happened to my eyes and teeth!" As he face Shen Wei. Shen Wei was shock. "His cute brown eyes became black as the night while his teeth became fangs. His brown hair became jet black as his shoulder become broader than before making him more manly and like a s_x god. Shen Wei want to lick his lips but then he saw a tail at the back of his husband.

     Shen Wei was about to laugh, but as he saw his husband expression on his face. "I look hideous! Aren't I?!" He ask.  "No!" Shen Wei want to comfort him. But Yunlan suddenly slammed the door on his face.

     "Yunlan! Open up! Your still look handsome! Eventhough you got a tail!" As he knocked on the door. "No! I can see in your face you wanted to laugh at me!" He shout. As he sit on the corner of the bathroom and crouched.

     "I understand if you don't want to see any more Wei!" As he cried in the corner. Shen Wei have enough of his drama. He suddenly barge in the door. Making Yunlan almost jump in his place. Without any word Shen Wei suddenly kissed Yunlan passionately. While wrapping his arms around him.

     Yunlan was surprised at first as he kissed him back while holding Shen Wei into place. "Did you know? How much I miss you!" While caressing his face. Yunlan blushed a little. "I always waited for you at the tower while the beast hold me their."

     "Don't worry about that creature! I have destroyed him for hurting you!"  While nuzzling to his neck. As Yunlan suddenly kiss those soft pink lips of Shen Wei. His wings envelope him into place. Shen Wei notice his white wings became dark as well, while emitting that strong scent that Shen Wei is not familiar off. That smell lingers in the nose of Shen Wei making him want more than just a kiss. It's very sweet and alluring. Making him deepen the kiss as he press his body unto him. He moan in frustration as he heard someone knocking at the door. As he removed himself to Yunlan whose kissing him non stop. While straightening both of them. As he open the door. His family and friends came with their twins. Whose eagerly want to see Yunlan, but all of them were shocked to see him like this.


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