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1 Year Later

Delilah's Point Of View

At An Interview

"So we just got word that Harry just released his music video to his song "Lights Up" we have the video up if you want to take a look."

"Yeah, sure." I replied.

The song is like a freeing anthem. I'm so proud of what Harry has done with himself. I never would've thought that I would be sitting here feeling as full of happiness as I am now.

"What are your thoughts Delilah?"

With tears in my eyes I look up with the brightest smile.

"I'm so beyond happy for him. I love him so much, I love what he is becoming. He's so healthy and happy and that's all I could ever ask for with him. He's grown so much over the years and this is his most organic self and I'm all here for it." I say dabbing at my tears of joy.

"So happy to hear and I know that he will be equally as excited if not more about your words."

"Of course." I say.

"Well Delilah it's been wonderful having you here today. Thank you for coming."

"No problem, thank you for having me." I say before exiting the stage.

Once I'm in my car I head off to get Casey and head on home.

I find myself happier than I've been in a long time.

I look at Casey and I see Harry. I know me and Harry have had our differences over the years but to share something as precious as a child with him is something I'm forever grateful for.

1 Week Later

I've been getting literally thousands if not millions of mentions on social media today. I log into my account and click my notifications. I'm taken to YouTube. It's an interview Harry did a few hours ago.

"So Harry, Delilah Sapphire publicly watched your music video and voiced her opinion on it. What did you expect and how did her reaction affect you?"

Before Harry even said anything you can see that he was about to start tearing up.

"My biggest fear releasing that song and that video was Delilah's reaction. I didn't know if she would accept me or hate me more. I thought that she wouldn't accept me and I had to release the song but I wasn't prepared for her to hate me. We have this bond that just makes me want to please her and I just kept thinking, "What if she doesn't like this? Then what?" I just wouldn't be able to live with myself if she didn't like it or accept me. Hearing her honest opinion was something out of this world to me. It was everything I could wish for and more." he ended with a wet smile.

I smiled to myself and clicked out of the video.

He was making a great life for hisself and that made me happy.

1 Month Later

I was at yet another awards show about to go announce the winner of the best album of the year when I saw Harry approach me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I'm announcing the next winner after you." he says.

"Oh, okay." I say.

"Hey, I never got to tell you how much it meant to me to hear you say those things on air." Harry says.

"Well, everything I said was true and I meant it." I say with a nod and he smiles at me.

"It's nice to see you Delilah." he says before pushing his hair back.

"It's nice to see you too Harry." I say and give him a small nod before walking out to the stage with him following behind me.

I step up to the mic and we start speaking.

"How is everyone tonight?" Harry says to the audience while receiving applause.

"Everyone is looking good tonight." I say looking out at everyone.

"Though no one looks as beautiful as you do Delilah." Harry says making me blush.

When I look up he's staring directly at me and I swallow thickly.

"You aren't looking too shabby yourself Harold." I say back before moving my curls out of my face.

"Now for the next category."

"The winner of Best Album of the Year is..... 'thank u, next' by Ariana Grande." and pause for applause.

"Unfortunately she could not make it tonight so I will be accepting this award on her behalf. And now Harry Styles for the next category." I say before exiting the stage.

I give the award to a stage hand and take a breath. It's been so long since me and him have shared a stage together let alone been civil with each other.

I look over as I hear Harry start speaking.

"Man, it's something about a stage that just makes me want to kiss her." Harry says with a smile while looking at me from the podium.

I don't know what it was that came over me, but I ran out onto the stage in front of thousands of people and on live air and jumped in his arms and kissed him.


When we pulled away from the kiss I looked into his eyes and for a second it was just us as he held me, my arms around his neck and our foreheads together.

The music signaling that we've been on stage for too long is what snapped us out of it and he put me down and I walked off the stage and he presents the award as I head back to my dressing room.

I had just taken off my dress when Harry came in.

I halted my actions as I stared at him through the mirror.

He rushed over to me and next thing I know we're having sex on the wall.

I look in the mirror as I put on my clothes. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and turn around.

Harry is wearing his pants and his shirt is ripped open with hair all over his head.

He comes over to me and wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face in my neck.

I moan and arch my back when he sucks on my sweet spot leaving a huge hickey. He smirks at me through the mirror.

"Look what you did to my shirt." he says with a chuckle.

"I think you look sexy like this." I say leaning my head against him.

He opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by his phone ringing. He looks at the caller ID and his smile immediately drops.

I turn around and start to fix up my makeup as he takes the call.

When I finish I take my hair down and my curls fall down and spray myself with perfume. When I sit the perfume back down I spot my ring, I grab it before I turn around to face Harry.

I slide the ring on my left ring finger as I look at Harry's face.

He looks devastated before suddenly grabbing his shirt and closing it in his hands.

"I gotta go." he rakes his hands through his damp hair.

I just nod my head and finally push my ring all the way on and drop my hand.

"I'll call you about Casey." he says before turning and heading out the door.

Love to you all!~Delilah Sapphire

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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