*_ArOuNd Th€ C@$t£e_*

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Error's POV:
NM assigned me to show (Y/N) around the castle but it felt so weird being with her. Seing her walking next to me almost feel that my soul would burst out from my chest. We were so damn awkwardly silent for the whole entire hour and Im starting to feel so uncomfortable being with (Y/N) so I started a conversation for us to break the silence between us.

"H-hEy, A-aBoUt W-wHaT y-YoU d-DiD e-EaRlIeR." I started

"Hmmmm?" She hummed in response

"W-wHy D-dId Y-yOu T-tRy T-tO d-DeFeNd T-tHeM f-FoR t-ThEiR p-PuNiShMeNtS, I-i M-mEaN t-ThEy D-dEsErVeD t-To B-bE p-PuNiShEd B-bEcAuSe T-tHeY m-MoLeStEd y-YoU t-ThIs M-mOrNiNg A-aNd-" before I continued what was I going to say to her, she sigh in rather a calm way to calm herself and

"I already gave them a piece of my lesson and dont want them to be hurting infront of me, its rather very complicated for me to explain why did I also defended them but to be honest I dont want to see people or my loved ones suffer infront of me anymore." She stated in a despondent way and mumbled the last part of it to prevent me from hearing it which I already heard it crystal clear

"W-wHaT d-Do Y-yOu M-mEaN b-By 'd-DoNt W-wAnT t-To S-sEe P-pEoPlE s-SuFfEr A-aNyMoRe', W-wHaT h-HaPpEnEd T-tO y-YoU a-AnYwAy?" I ask very confused of how she lived her life when she's still young in her age

"Uhhh, oh, nothing in particular, d-did I even mentioned that?" She said fakingly smiling and dodging the topic we had and nervously waved her hands in sign of not wanting to further discussed the topic and just droped the subject.

I heard her sigh continuing to walk across the hallways and we were back to being dead silent like before.

"Thanks" she said out of nowhere

"F-fOr W-wHaT?" I asked tilting my head

"For worrying about me"

"R-rElAx, T-tHaTs W-wHaT f-FrIeNdS a-AnD f-FaMiLiEs A-aRe F-fOr, I-iF t-ThAtS w-WhAt Y-yOu C-cOnSiDeReD u-Us."

After I said that to her walking straight to the hallway, she stoped for about a meter away from me as I turned back to look at her, tears were forming at the edge of her (e/c) eyes and she suddenly wiped them with the back of her hand. My soul panicked inside my chest wanting to do something to comfort her.

"I-is T-tHeIr S-sOmEtHiNg W-wRoNg (Y/N)?" I ask worriedly trying to figure out something

She moved her head sidewards signaling me not to worry about it.

"A-aRe Y-yOu S-sU-" I was interrupted by a sudden grip to my upper body and saw that (Y/N) was already hugging me to my surprise.

*innerself screaming

I stood still feeling the warmth of (Y/N)'s body temperature and was freaking out because of our physical contact with each other and do hate my phobia though.

I felt that (Y/N) finally let goes of me and noticed that I was'nt in my proper state as I stumbled on the ground rebooting feeling the cold floor touches my bones and heard (Y/N) screamed for help.

Your POV:
Error stumbled on the ground after I hugged him as I was panicking on what to do with him and screamed for the others to come for my aid. After a few second NM was infront of me eyes widened and asked; "What happened to Error?" I told him the details and he begun doing the facepalmed.

"I-is he d-dead?" I asked worriedly to NM who seemed to not even worry about it.

"Dont worry (Y/N) hes ok, specially not dead, hes just rebooting because hes not used to physical contacts like what you've did earlier to him." He stated

I felt so relieved that Error is ok and glared at NM.

"Then why did'nt you tell me earlier before I left the room with Error?!" I exclaimed

"Y-yEaH w-WhY d-DiD'nT y-YoU t-TeLl H-hEr N-nM?" Error said standing right next to me.

I startled and hid behind NM as I was blushing in embarassment and smack Error on his skull.

"O-oW! w-WhAt W-wAs T-tHaT f-FoR?" Error groaned

"Warn me before you wake up, will ya'?!"

"Enough you two and (Y/N) remember to keep your distance with Error, because he has this phobia which he fears being touch by the others and also I will not allow you to do that with the others." NM interrupted

   Error and I said it in unison

"What?" He replied raising a bonebrow and disapeared after he snapped his skele fingers

Im really thankful with you guys for reading my story and also I've got a 189 reads....?!!!

Thanks guys....
It means a lot to me....

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