*_D@TiNg D@y$_*

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Welp according to your comments Nightmare and Error would be the ones leading and to much of the others dismay I would literally end up picking all of them at different times and days to wrap it all up in this chapter so forget I even bothered for making you vote but thank u very much anyway. And of course Nightmare and Error will be the first ones so that's still accepted.

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Day 1

Waking up was a start and now that I think about it, I owe Nightmare and Error a date. Groaning in annoyance, a loud knock was heard from my door indicating that someone was here to bother me. "Come in". The door creaks open when someone had entered my domain looking at my dozing body on the bed before speaking.

"You didn't forget about our date didn't you princess~"

"Five more minutes"

Giggling at my response, I jerked up upon realizing the voice and saw Nightmare staring, blushing I thought Killer was coming over to nag me about some random weird stuff but I didn't thought Nightmare would barge in my room. More or else we were staring for a couple of seconds until I decided to break the silence between us.

"Do we really have to"

"Well, if you don't have the motivation to do so then I guess Ill have to cancel off our date for today, seems like your tired so we can always go on a date whenever your willing" there's a small hint of worry and disappointment laced throughout his words before attempting to leave the area.

Am I the only one whose feeling guilty here? If so help me out. Biting my lower lip, Nightmare was leaving when I tug at his sleeve indicating for him to stop on his track.

"Hey you over reacting King of mine, I was just fooling around, say where'd you'd take us on our first date?" Come to think of it, it was my first time dating these bag of cutie bones and well I was expecting it to be- well can't really think of anything else other than expect what they're planning on our dates. When no one responded, I was looking at him only to witness a few purple hue over the Kings cheeks until I just realized what I said to him awhile ago, 'King of mine' what the heck does that even mean?!

"W-we should probably head for breakfast first before heading out then"

'Wait he stutter, the embodiment of negativity just stutter.'

. . . . .

'What?! Why was he stuttering did I do something? Argh just great now this is awkward.'

"S-sure" -_- 'now look whose talking'


Since this was a date between Nightmare and I, I decided to at least wear a mini skirt for him, well actually it was summer so it might be hotter if I wear some jeans. Brushing that aside I almost bump into someone when I was rushing down the hall to meet up with Nightmare at the throne room. Landing with a small thud I was rubbing my forehead to seize the pain until I heard someone groan in front of me, shooting up a worried glare I came face to face with Error rubbing the back of his skull. Looking up at my direction he immediately stood up yellow hue can be seen across his skull while offering a helping phalange at me. Tilting my head of what causes for him to blush like that, I didn't ask for it instead I apologized which he apologized as well and left with a snap of his skele hand. 'Why was he in a rush all of a sudden, wonder why he's so work up for something.'

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