*_A n€w $cHo0lM@Te_*

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Your POV
Today was just a normal day. Students are walking around the hallway, laughing and talking about school and yet there I was surrounded by boys that I don't even know. Some of them are charming yet not my type and some nerds. I'm really not interested in having a relationship but ugh this really gives me a headache. I was glad the bell rang. The others scrambled to their respective seats as the teacher strode in. "Ok class, from now on you will have another classmate to join you for the rest of the school year, so better treat them nicely while you still can, understood?" The teacher begun saying while gesturing for whoever the person outside is, to come in. I didn't care less though and just stared at the window to ease my mind. I was currently day dreaming again and was snapped when someone called my name and jolted from my seat. "Now Miss (L/N) here will show you around the campus after school today, is that clear Miss (L/N)?" the teacher said "Yes ma'am" I replied to her which only caused the male to smile at me. 'Great another male to deal with, but at least his gentle though unlike the others'

The male had taken his seat beside me. He had this very hypnotizing blue eyes, a blonde hair that matched his white skin and a perfect hairstyle to be more attractive with the ladies. "Hi, I'm Dexter Trivia btw" he introduced himself while offering his hand to shake with, I gladly accept his offer and did the same.

*~T!Me $kIp~*

Our last subject for the morning was finally over and lunch was about to begin. As usual I would go to the rooftop and have my peaceful time along with my favorite (f/d). When I was about to leave the room someone tugged at my sleeve and saw Dexter doing it. I look at him confused and didn't expect the words that I was hearing from him. "You're showing me around don't you?" 'Oh yes, I finally remembered something about showing this monkey around the campus, what a pain in the soul'. I groan in annoyance and just showed him the way. We both went to the cafeteria, school library, playground, the courtyard, gym, principals office, the comfort rooms of course and finally the roof top. I was exhausted from almost roaming around the whole campus and taken my sit at the bench near the door.

Slightly staring at the pure blue sky, Dexter had already taken his seat beside me doing the same. We were both exhausted as we make our way back to our respected room together.

After that tour I went through with the monkey, the class was almost over and I was glad to leave the room sooner when I was distracted by Dexter blocking my way and offering me to walk with him on our way home. I didn't hesitate to turn down his offer and left before Dust would actually arrive at the same place we were meeting at.

*~T$~* (Time Skip)

Next week was the day that wed have to participate in each of every event that they'll be hosting in the sport feist and I was all fired up to take on every tournament. Sure my bones are almost aching for just sitting around and doing nothing, but sure enough I was taking my lessons seriously. Discussing on how the tournament was played, it was time for us to vote for the representative of our section and I'm not fitting to that leadership thingy so I shut my mouth and stared outside. Upon hearing my name of who ever shouted it, I look in front of the board only to see that Vivian, my worst rival, and I were the ones listed and I was aggressively against it until my decision back then was replaced by my determination to map the floor with Vivian's face when hearing her said that I might cry during the tournament. 'This girls really pissing me off' I thought as we both waited for the votes to see whose the representative.

Grinning from ear to ear, I look at her direction seeing her pissed off face as I looked at her mockingly and smirked. 'That's what I thought'. The teacher once again spoke and this time it was to divide the class into two groups and luckily Vivian and I was separated into two different groups, obviously she was their captain and so am I, and I can't keep that bitch from doing whatever she wanted at school, and I'm the one whose ending it.

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