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Assalamu alaikum

I don't know if you take me as how i take you ,infact I don't want u to take me as how i,i take you ,was i just no i love you saboda Allah no thing more,oh lemee live you like this kada nacika ku da surutu let me just go to the straight point bcos i know some of you are earger to here what am here with it,kai kunsan fa mai suna asma'u akwai na tsuwa da hangen nesa did i told lie?i know some of you will say no😥,nasan ma wata she will jump here kawai don taji mexance ,did i told lie?hhhhhhhhh😂🤣🤣

Kai duniya ina son masu kwanata ,wai bani da fans yan sokoto ne?

Who miss rudin duniya,who miss el fulanin zafara'u,hhhhhhh who miss the crazy an funies nerlerh,wayyo nerlerh mai jinnu,wait wait ,idan bakiyi rasing hand dinki up dat means bakayi missing nerlerh hajja ba🤣🤣🤣😂
Kun tuna wani abu asee ta mutu fa🤣🤣🤣wayyo hajjo idan taji lbr mexatayi,

Kai lemme live you like dis,kunsan mai xance?idan baku ce a'a ba ,don read wat is going to be written down understand😎?

I just want to tell you xan cigaba da typing rudin duniya after i finish mahabbah😍,do you feel happy?hhhhhhh if you feel shout yessss(hhhhhhhh sai kace yan primary🤣🤣🤣🤣)

Just kucigaba da voting and comment of our previous page den as soon as i finish mahabbah xan daura muku cigaba,....don say am happy asma pray for me pls📿

An also if you are happy go an give me hot comment ,and vote ,a pages dina na mahabbah hakan xai saka typing everyday😍

Saide akwai novel din asma da xasu fito a kasuwa hope you will show love and buy them😟?

Follow me @asmasanee😍😍😍

Nabarku lpy,cikin yarda da aminci and i love you saboda Allah💖💖💖💕

Asmasanee ce

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