Chapter 4 - Steel and flames

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NOTE 1: The images of the POVs will change in the chapters in which there are battles, to show the characters  in war scenes.

NOTE 2: At certain times I will include audios with epic Game of Thrones songs that I recommend listening while reading the story.

"In times of war, pain and need, people do incredible and extraordinary things"

After taking all the women, the elderly and children to the catacombs of Winterfell, Sansa Stark decided that, until the battle began, she would accompany the others and help them with the latest preparations

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After taking all the women, the elderly and children to the catacombs of Winterfell, Sansa Stark decided that, until the battle began, she would accompany the others and help them with the latest preparations. She also wanted to see the white walkers from afar, when they first appeared in the field of view from the walls of the Stark fortress. That is what Varys, Sam, Jorah and Tyrion would also do.

Thus, the young redhead arrived at the Main Hall, already empty - since Davos had the occurrence of using any piece of furniture or object as a second wall just in case the walkers crossed the first -. Sigh.

"Will these creatures get here?" She thought, while stroking one of the walls of her home. That place reminded her of Robb, Ned and, above all, her mother. She remembered how Catelyn braided her hair while telling her some story of her youth and how the boys fought duels for her. That was something that had not happened to Sansa, and that she would certainly have liked very much.

- My lady - Brienne's voice woke her from her thoughts -. You should be in the crypts. For your safety.

- I'll go there as soon as I see the walkers from the wall - she smiled. "This woman is like the best friend I haven't had in a while." Sansa then remembered her childhood friend, Jeyne, but preferred to forget it quickly. In this battle, she had to stay focused and with a cold mind.

- Arya, Bran and Jon are already on the walls.

- That's where I'm going - Sansa said goodbye to the knight by giving her a big hug - I order you to come back alive, sir Brienne.

- It is an order that I will certainly try to fulfill, my Lady.

Sansa stared at her.

- Sansa, I mean Sansa - Brienne finally stopped calling her "my Lady", something that made both of them laugh.

Tarth's knight left the Main Hall, ready to comply with the Stark's order, and prepared to fight for life, for humanity. Sansa, on the other hand, had something to do before going to the walls, and it had to be fast, because the enemy must already be very close.

She went to the winter garden and asked for Theon, without stopping until she found him.

- My Lady, you should be inside, getting safe - said the Greyjoy boy, visibly worried.

- I have to do a couple of things first, but I assure you that I have no intention of being out here during the battle - then Sansa and Theon merged into a deep hug.

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