What Happened to Yesterday?

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I woke up to bright white snow falling from the sky.

A smile spread across my face, "Finally",I said to myself.

I lifted my sheets off of me and I walked over to the window. A light breeze slide from between the cracks but I couldn't help but smile a bit more.

"Today is a perfect winter day and I get to spend it with my best friend Sarah at a Concert".

I traced a heart onto the middle of the icy window.

"And more importantly... Today's the day I can see Niall again".

Niall and I were best friends from day one. When Niall was here; we'd spend so much time together that people would tell us that we'd end up getting married. Niall and I would laugh about it- but truth is.. I dreamt of it happening. Picking out a dress, the wedding, kissing him. When I was younger, I had a little crush on him but I never told anyone. Not even Niall. The only person who knows I like Niall is Sarah but I made her promise not to tell anyone.

One thing I loved about him was his talent to sing. His voice was gentle yet strong and he always hit every key.

One year I convinced him to audition for the xfactor; before he got up onstage, he told me that the whole audition was dedicated to me.

But once he made it through; he stopped calling as much as he used to.. and now that he's big and famous, he doesn't call at all.

We haven't talked for like 2 years now and to be honest that killed... I mean it hurt because I didn't think he'd forget about me that easily. I thought we had something.

I'm thinking about telling him how I feel tonight, but I'm not sure he'll care because there are millions of girls out there 1000 times prettier than I am.

I went over to the bathroom and smiled into the mirror.

"A few more hours until the concert...it could change so much between us..." I whispered.

I ran the water as I undressed. I put my fingers beneath the warm water and turned on the shower head. As I hopped in, I felt the water run down my spine.

So many memories flooded my head; from the day Niall and I met to the day he left me..

I got out of the shower and I wrapped my hair into a towel so it could dry. I walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit to wear. I grabbed light colored skinny jeans, moccasins, and a cute sweater with the British flag made of sequences on the front.

I threw on some accessories and a charm bracelet Niall bought me a few years back.

It had some charms that had a meaning for each one. My favorite was the charm shaped as a four leaf clover; Niall gave it to me before he left for good luck.

The back had our initials engraved into it.

The charm was to wish me good luck for some big dance competition I had that he couldn't to go to because he was busy.

I wore the bracelet everyday until he

stopped talking to me.. Cos I felt like when we lost touch, it was because he was done with me. But right now, I didn't care. I really wanted to see him again.

I went back to my bathroom and decided to put my hair in light wavy curls; I then put on a little bit of makeup.

"Done", I said with a smile.

I really hope Niall will be happy to see me.

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