Chapter 10

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To be honest...I didn't know what to expect next. I stood there and took in the glares and the words of people around me.

I turned around and ran out the back door. It was snowing a lot and it had to be at least -10 degrees. I'd rather be out there than inside though.

"Where do I even go?!" I screamed through tears.

I looked in both directions but instead I ran over to the dumpster and slowly sat down beside it.

Worst. Day. Ever.

I was crying so hard; my lip was quivering, I was shaking, my eyes felt puffy, and the tears wouldn't stop.

"Why are you out here? You're going to get sick." Harry said as he came closer to me using his phone as a flashlight.

"I ruined everything. The whole world hates me; they all will when some magazine has a story on it".

"No, Kharina they don-",

"Harry stop! Why are you even out here by me?! I'm SURE you hate me too! You know everyone else does! Just say it! Tell me you hate me! Tell me you never want to see me again! That you wish we never met! Harry you probably wish I was gone! I don't even know why you liked me in the first place. I ruin everything, I'm not the prettiest girl you've ever seen. I'm not perfect. I'm not smart, not funny, Harry I'm nothing".

He stayed staring at me for a good two, maybe three minutes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he sounded so confused.

"Oh you want me to list it all again?"

"Don't insult the girl I care about; cos when you hurt her. You're hurting me". He said softly. "Don't say those things. Stop putting yourself down, okay? Just stop. You're not pretty, you're beautiful. You don't ruin ANYTHING, you just make things better. I can tell you're smart and love, you are funny- like this? It's all a joke. Cos these things you put yourself down with aren't true. And yea that's one thing you've got right. You're not perfect".

My heart sank a little. I know for a fact I'm not perfect but I didn't think he'd make it clear. Everything else he said was sweet though.

"Thanks Harry, that means alot". I said.

"I wasn't finished love. You're not perfect because there's no such thing as perfect. But you're as close to perfect as it can possibly get. So please stop putting yourself down".

"Thank you Harry...Thank you a lot", I said.

He slowly leaned in to kiss me.. Until I pulled away.

"If you want me to stop I can..", he said.

It felt so wrong but right..

"Maybe we should stop", I whispered.

He grabbed my hand and we ran to a cafe across the street and stoodr under a street light. He took off his jacket a put it over me.

"What are we doing?" I said kind of confused.

He looked up at the streetlight above us.

"This thing helps us stay a bit warm... Right?" he said.

"You're such a dork!" I laughed,"but I love that".

He bit his lip and looked down.

I said what he told me when we just met , "hey baby, look at me. I wanna see your smile too".

His smile went from ear to ear.

"You're adorable!!!" He said with a cheeky smile.

I couldn't help but laugh.

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