Chapter 2

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I grabbed my phone as I headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom cutting up fruit.

"Hey mom", I said with a little smile.

She looked over at me,"Morning Kharina...I still don't understand why you bought concert tickets THAT expensive if you and Niall are so close".

"Were...", I mumbled.

Even my mom saw it. We WERE close.. until he picked fame over me.

"It doesn't matter mom; I already bought them and the only reason they cost extra is because I bought passes to meet...see him", I said quietly.

She looked at me and kept quiet.

"Okay Kharina. Whatever you say. Do you want any?" She asked holding out a bowl of fruit.

"No", I said sternly as I walked away.

I wasn't in the mood for breakfast anymore. I knew what she was going to tell me.

She was going to say that it's not a good idea to see him...not this way. And that if I really need to buy all of this stuff to see Niall every time then nothings ever going to be the same again.

I've heard it all before.

I went over to the living room and I just stood there.

"Why am I getting second thoughts about all this?" I asked myself.

I grabbed my phone and called Sarah; it rang for a bit but she finally picked up.

"Hey!" she said with excitement.

"Hey." I said.

"What's the matter? You sound kind of annoyed", She said.

"Is it stupid for me to go for Niall? I remembered him and he forgot about me...Is it stupid that I paid for tickets to see the guy I WAS best friends with...that I'm basically paying for our friendship? That I'm trying so hard to see him again and he's not even putting in any effort?!"My voice started cracking. "Sarah is it stupid to go?" I whispered into the phone.

She didn't say a word.

"Sarah?!" I said fighting back tears.

"Kharina I don't know what to say, I mean... you were so excited to go yesterday and now you're having second thoughts...less than an hour before we have to go? Did someone try to change your mind? I mean if you don't want to go then we don't have to but you NEVER change your mind this fast. Ever. We're not going for Niall. We're going to have fun; for One Direction. Not just for Niall Horan. But you don't know that he forgot about you, so stop saying he did. How do you know he didn't put any effort into seeing you? How do you know he doesn't love you?!' She let out.

The last thing grabbed my attention.

"LOVE ME?!' I shouted,"Is this what love is?! Not talking to the one you 'love', not seeing them, hearing from them, completely blocking them out of your life?! Sarah is that what love is?!" I shouted again.

"Kharina I- I don't know what love is. We'll talk when I get there, kay? I'm already on my way so I'll see you in a few. Be ready when I get there, see you in a bit". She finished off.

"Bye", I said and I clicked off.

I tossed my phone onto the couch and headed over to the kitchen wiping away my tears on the way.

"Mom?" I said as I pulled out a stool.

She turned around and looked at me, "Yea?"

"Should I stay home?" I asked, "Tell me the truth, what do you think?"

She hesitated,"No I think you should go... But have fun and let whatever happens with Niall happen; don't try to rush anything. Let HIM be the one to remember you. Don't make him your biggest priority, it's a concert. It's supposed to be fun, not something your worried about", she said.

I looked down and smiled a bit, "Thanks mom", I said.

"Anytime", She said.

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