Chapter 5

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We waited a minute until we heard someone coming.

The door opened but I was so nervous I kept quiet..

"Hello!" Louis said with a big smile.

I smirked to the ground while Sarah talked to Louis.

I looked up and saw Harry coming towards us.

"Hello love! You and your friend should come in!" He said with a cheeky smile.

He smiled into my eyes and I couldn't help but smile back into his.

Harry and Louis walked us in and I saw a bunch of girls taking pictures with the rest of the boys, talking, and I think a few were exchanging numbers. Then I looked to the very back and I stopped smiling.

"What's wrong love?" Harry said as he looked into the same direction as me.

"Oh, Niall? Go talk to him! Don't be shy!" He said.

Niall was talking to a girl with bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. They kept smiling and laughing... I couldn't help but get teary.

"Is everything okay?" Harry whispered.

I looked up at him, "Yea! Everything is just fine!" I wiped away my tears but looked towards the them again.

"Come on", Harry said as he held my wrist and started walking me to the back.

"Harry please don't. I don't want to talk to Niall. I don't want to meet him either", I said.

Harry stopped and looked at me.

"Babe, please don't say that. Not around Niall. He's a great guy so why wouldn't you want to meet him?" He said quietly.

"You don't understand." I said as a few tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Can you tell me?" He asked.

Niall glanced at us and headed our way.

"But Harry you won't-"

"Hey-", Niall was saying but when he saw me he stopped talking.

"Kharina?" He whispered.

I looked up at him. More tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Don't cry. You know I can't stand you crying". Niall said softly.

He reached over to wipe my tears away but I took a step back.

"What's wrong?" He said.

"I don't know you well enough to tell you anything". I said harshly.

His face went blank.

Harry gave me a confused look and he looked over at Niall then shook his head.

"I'll be uh.. right back", Harry said.

"Kharina, what happened? What do you mean you don't know me enough? We've been friends for YEARS".

I looked into his eyes and I could tell he was hurt.. But so was I.

He held onto my wrist and pulled me into another room.

"Why are we in here?" I asked.

"What happened to us?" He asked.

"I guess all that time we spent together wasn't enough for me to realize you don't care for me. That we weren't good friends at all. That ALL that time I spent with you was a big waste".

He glanced down and wiped away a few tears.

"I was a waste of time?" He asked quietly.

"What about all the good times we had? All the laughs, all the cries? Good and bad? Kharina what happened to our friendship, to everything? I DO care about you", his voice started cracking as he held back tears.

"You left me Niall", I whispered. "You never tried calling me, seeing, talking. Niall you didn't put any effort to see me at all. And here I am spending hundreds of dollars to see you because I guess thats what I had to do. Pay to see my old best friend".

"THATS BULLSHIT", He screamed. "Do you know how many times I tried to see you, how many times I tried to call? Everyone just said it wasn't good for you? That if they knew about you then you'd get so much hate? Do you understand how empty I felt without you here? That you got me here in the first place and I couldn't share any of this experience with you?" He started crying through his words.

I looked into his eyes and I took a step back as I leaned against the wall. I slowly sat down and put my head onto my knees and I started to cry. I just wanted to disappear.

Niall sat down beside me and started running his fingers through my hair.

"Kharina don't. Don't cry, we're together now." He said softly.

"Niall... Maybe we shouldn't be here. Together. I should of listened to everyone and stayed home because I'd rather be there because I KNOW I won't see you again after today. There's no way I can keep spending this much on extra things to see you".

"Kharina we can make time", he said.

"It's okay Niall. I COMPLETELY understand. Not everything in life goes the way you want...and I'm fine with that. I think you and that pretty brunette in the other room would look much cuter together", I said with a fake smile.

He didn't say a word.

"No big deal. I get it. Besides she's so much prettier than I am and she can make you smile a lot more", I said.

He looked at me then to the ground.

"Listen, can I explain later? I need to go before the boys get pissed cos I'm supposed to be with fans too", he said.

"Yea. Have fun with her..." I mumbled.

He looked at me as he slowly walked away.

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