Another misunderstanding? Goku and Lucy's time in the Leaf Village

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"How much further until we reach the hidden leaf village?" Lucy asked as the four continued to fly. "Shouldn't be much longer now." Goku answered, he then looked back to see how Vegeta was doing with Natsu. "Yo, Vegeta! How you holding up?" 

"I'm flying puke boy here. What do you think?!" Vegeta shouted, "Ooooo... don't move too much..." Natsu said as he felt more barf coming up. "Oh no... more's coming up!" "You better swallow that! I am not letting you puke on me again! And you two, stop laughing!" Vegeta shouted as Goku and Lucy laughed. 

"Alright, alright, huh? Hey look, I think I see the village." Goku said, soon the four landed in the forest near the entrance of the leaf village. "Oh thank the stars! Land!" Natsu said as he passed out. "I think it would be best if Natsu stay here to recover." Goku said,

 "Right." "Well we can't just leave him here by himself. Someone will have to watch him... Crap, why'd I open my mouth!" Vegeta said as he covered his mouth. "That's a good idea. I'll go with Goku to find the ball. After all, out of all of us, I'm the most friendly." Lucy said, Goku agreed with her so the two entered the village. ["I hate those two...?!"] "If you're gonna throw up, then do it away from me!" 

In the Hokage office...

"Did you find anything out about the orb Gaara sent?" Naruto asked, "Nothing yet, sorry." Shikamaru said, "Well, I'm sure you'll find something. Anyway I got work to do." Naruto said as he went back to his office.

In the leaf village...

"Wow, everything looks so interesting." Lucy said as she and Goku walked through the town. "Yeah, huh?!" Goku looked over to see, "A ramen place?! Heh heh!" Goku darted off to eat. "So where do you want to look first? Goku? Goku?" Lucy looked around to find out she was by herself. "-Sigh-, guess I'm on my own. Wait, are those?!" Lucy then saw,

 "Look at all the shopping places! I guess the dragon ball can wait for now." Lucy said with a smile, then darted off to shop. "Man, can't believe I couldn't afford the ramen... next time I'll ask Bulma for some money." Goku said as he walked through the village. "Stand back!" "Huh? What was that?" Goku followed where the voice was coming from. 

"Who would think we'd run into the hokage's wife and little brat to boot." one thug said, "Get behind me, Himawari." Hinata said, "Hey! What's going on here?" Goku asked as he approached, "Stay back if you know what's good for ya. Unless, you want to get hurt." The other thug said, " So you're bad guys is that it?" Goku said, as he took another step. "I said, stay back-OW!" As the thug was about to attack, Goku stomped on his foot. "Who does that?! Get him!"

 The other thugs began to attack, but Goku easily took them out before talking to the leader again. "You know, if you don't want your toes to hurt that much, you should really put on regular shoes." "What are you?!" The thug asked as he looked to see all his lackies knocked out. As Goku approached closer, the thug freaked out and ran away. "Huh? What's up with him? Oh, are you two alright?" Goku asked Hinata and Himawari. 

"Yes, thank you." Hinata said, "Wow, you took out those meanies with ease!" himawari said, "Is there any way for me to repay you?" Hinata asked, "No it's-?!" Goku's stomach growled, and Hinata began to laugh. "How about you come over to my house and I'll make you some food." Goku smiled and said, "Sure, that sounds really nice!" The three then went to the Uzumaki's household. "So, what would you like?" Hinata asked, Goku thought for a moment. 

"How about some ramen?!" "So you like ramen too, huh?" Hinata asked with a smile. "Yeah, why do ask?" "My husband loves ramen." Hinata said as she finished making the food. "Excuse me mister, but can I ask what your name is?" Himawari asked, "Oh yes, I forgot to introduce ourselves too. I'm Hinata, and this is my daughter Himawari." "I'm Goku, nice to meet you both." The three began to eat, when Boruto came home.

 "Hey mom, I'm home-What the?! Mom, who is this?!" Boruto asked, Hinata explained what happened earlier. "No way, there's no way that you could take out a bunch of guys with ease." Boruto said, "He did, it was so cool!" himawari said in excitement. "Hmmmm... I doubt you're that strong. Prove it!" Boruto said, "Boruto!" 

"It's fine Hinata, now let me think... I got it!" Goku then asked if Hinata had a backyard. "Oh? No, but you can go in the front. Why?" Goku said that they would just have to go out and look. "So what are we supposed to see exactly?" Boruto asked, "You wanted me to prove that I'm strong, so just stand back and watch." Goku said as walked to the center of the road. "Get ready... haaaaaaaaaaa.... HA! Hrrrrr... YYYYYAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Goku began powering up to get to blue. "What's going on?!" Hinata asked as the three were witnessing Goku's transformation. 

At the Hokage's office...

"What the? What's with the blue light? Wait, that's coming from my house!" Naruto ran out of his office and ran to his home. "What's going on?" Shikamaru asked, as he saw the light too.

In the leaf village...

"Wait, isn't that blue light... Goku must be in trouble!" Lucy said as she dropped her shopping bags and ran to where the light was coming from.

Outside the leaf village...

"What in the-?! That's Kakarot's energy!" Vegeta looked back at Natsu, who was still passed out. "There's no time!" Vegeta grabbed Natsu and flew as fast as he could to Goku.

Back at the Uzumaki residence...

"YAAHH!!!" Goku finished his transformation, sporting his blue hair and aura as well. "Woah what's that?!" Himawari asked, "This is called Super Saiyan Blue. it's the power beyond a god." Goku explained, "A power beyond a god?" Boruto said, surprised by the transformation. Goku then powered down, 

"Yup, I could go further beyond in power, but I thought that would be a little too much, heh,heh." Goku said, in his normal happy tone. "That power was so intense-uh, who's that?" Boruto asked, the others looked over to see Vegeta with a look of anger and annoyance.

 "Hey Kakarot! What're you doing?!" "What am doing?" "Fooling around?!" "Fooling around?" "Are you?!" Goku thought for a moment, "I'm gonna kill you, Kakarot!" Vegeta then dashed forward and began trying to punch Goku. "Wait Vegeta, this a misunderstanding-woah!" Goku said while dodging Vegeta's punches. "Really? Because it seems like your just showing off your power! Did you forget that we had a mission to complete?!" Vegeta shouted, the two then punched each other in the face.

 "If you want to show off your power, then I'll do the same. YYYAAAHHH!!!" Vegeta then transformed into his Super Saiyan Blue Evolved form. "Guess I don't have a choice but to fight. Hinata, Himawari, Boruto, stay back. YAAHH! Kaioken!" Goku then grew a red aura around him. "Feeling confident are we? No matter, I will beat you!" The two were about to charge when something landed in front of them.

 "Rasengun!" "ARGH!" Naruto landed the attack on Vegeta, sending him back. "Get away from my family!" Naruto said as he powered into his chakra mode. "You dare attack me?! Then try taking on this attack, Final-?!" as Vegeta was about to use the attack, Goku punched him in the face. "Knock it off! These people are-?!" "You can go to hell!" Vegeta said, shoving Goku back, and turned his attention back to Naruto. 

Vegeta went for a punch, but Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke, then appeared next to Goku. "You stopped him from attacking my family, thank you. I'll help you defeat this guy." Naruto said, helping Goku get up. "Thanks but-." "This is it! Galick-?!" Before Vegeta could fire the purple beam, the three were drenched in water. "What the hell?!" " I didn't know it was going to rain." "What the?" Three looked around until they spotted Lucy with one of her celestial creatures. 

"Next time summon me for something important. Got it?!" Aquarius said in an annoyed tone, "Yeah, I got it! Thank you!" Lucy said as Aquarius left. "I hate summoning her... anyways, will you three stop!" Lucy said, "Tch, whatever..." Vegeta said, crossing his arms. "Hold on, what's going on here?" Naruto asked, Lucy then explained what was happening. 

"Aw man, I'm sorry for attacking you guys. But you gotta understand that I was just trying to protect my family, ya know?" Naruto said, "It's fine, it's kinda my fault anyway." Goku said, Naruto then remembered about the orb and told them that it was at his office. "Really awesome! Can we go get it?" Lucy asked before yawning.

 "How about tomorrow? You guys look tired." Naruto said, then offered them to stay the night. "Sounds good to me, you Vegeta?" "Fine." The two saiyans went into the house with the family, while Natsu finally woke up. "Uh, what happened? Hey where are we?! What'd I miss?!" Natsu asked, but Lucy only shook her head and went inside with Natsu in sue.

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