Farewell everyone! Till the time we meet again!

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"It's... over..." Goku said as he landed back on the ground. "Did-did we really win?" Deku asked, Goku looked back at his group. "Yeah, there's no way he could've-uh!" Goku looked back and saw Ainz getting out of the giant crater that the spirit bomb made. "No way!" "Seriously?!" Both Goku and Vegeta shouted in disbelief. "Lord Ainz!" The guardians ran to him to help him up. "Thank you, but I'm fine." Ainz said as he dusted himself off. 

"Now... What's your next move?" Ainz asked, "Uh! I-I... I don't know..." Goku said, "Then it seems we are finished here. I will take this as your defeat and continue on with my plan-." 'Wait!" Ainz stopped to hear what Goku had to say. "We both know that this isn't right." Goku said, Ainz turned to face him, curious about what he meant by that. "All of these worlds that have merged together. It shouldn't be like this. It needs to go back to normal." Goku explained, "Tell me why I should let that happen." Ainz said,

 "Because... we all have goals that we need to accomplish. Goals that we may not be able to reach with all the chaos that could come of this merged world." Goku said as Ainz continued to listen. "I'm sure you have a goal that you want to see get fulfilled. But it may not be able to, with all of this." Goku said as he gestured to everyone in the room. ["Yeah, he's right about that. My goal is to take over Idrasil, so I can see if anyone from my world got trapped there too. It will get harder if I let this merged world stay as is."] Ainz thought to himself.

 "So please... let me have the dragon ball so I can restore all of our worlds. So we can fulfill our goals." Goku said, in a sincere tone. Ainz looked at his guardians, then back at Goku. "Albedo... get the dragon ball." Ainz said, "My Lord, are you sure-." "Yes, now go." Ainz said, and Albedo went off to get the orb. "Thank you." Goku said, "Here you go, Lord." Albedo said as she handed over the four star ball. "Here, take it." Ainz said as he gave the orb to Goku.

 "Guys... we did it!" Goku shouted in happiness as he held up the orb. "Yeah!" Soon the group, along with Ainz and his guardians exited the tomb and into the battlefield. "Goku!" "Dad!" Goku's friends and sons all ran to him and hugged him. "Is it really over?" Gohan asked, Goku looked at Ainz. "Hm, let it be known that this fight between us all is over!" Ainz declared as everyone cheered. "Natsu! Erza!" Both Gray and Lucy ran over to reunite with their guildmates.

 "I'm so glad you're both ok." Lucy said, "Well, you can thank him for helping me during my fight." Erza said as she pointed to Vegeta, who was with Trunks. Lucy ran over to him and surprised him with a hug. "What the?!" "Thank you..." Lucy said, "Yeah,yeah, whatever! Now let go of me!" Vegeta said as he tried to shake off Lucy. "Captain!" The other sins hugged Meliodas. "Hey guys! Sorry if I scared ya! Especially when I wasn't myself." Meliodas said,

 "It's ok! You're still our captain!" Diane said, "Naruto! You're ok!" hinata said as she wrapped her arms around her husband. "Heh,heh,heh! I sure am!" Naruto said as he hugged her back. "Deku!" Midoriya!" Both Momo and Uraraka ran over to Deku. "I hope I didn't worry you guys that much." Deku said, "We knew you could do it." Uraraka said,

 "Though you should try to be more careful next time." Momo added, "So, shall we return the worlds to normal now?" Ainz asked Goku, "Well, the rest of the dragon balls are back at Bulma's..." Goku then looked at everyone. "But, I think we can wait a little while before returning everything back to normal. Have some fun before we say goodbye." Goku suggested, to which everyone agreed. 

Goku then turned to see Frieza and his men, beginning to take their leave. "Leaving already?" Goku called out to Frieza. "Indeed. But rest assured, Goku. Once our world has returned to normal, I will return for the earths' dragon balls." Frieza said as he and all of his men returned to their spaceships and left. "I will be returning to Henouji Academy now." Satsuki said,

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