To Vampa for help! Goku and Erza vs Broly!

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Goku and Erza arrived on Vampa, looking over the planet. "This place looks like a desert." Erza said, the two began to head to where Broly was held up. "So, remind me again why we should ask him for help?" Erza asked, "Broly is really strong, and with that power. We'll have the upper hand against Frieza." Goku explained, the two then found the cave where Broly is living in. "I didn't expect there to be a house." Erza said, Goku then approached and knocked on the door. "Yo, anyone in there? It's me, Goku."

 The door opened, revealing a short green skinned alien girl. "It's been a while, huh?" She gestured for the two to enter, and so they did. "So what's your name redhead?" "I'm Erza, and you?" "My name's Cheelai, and that over there is Lemo." Lemo waved at Erza as he was making something to eat. "So what brings you here? Did you want to spar with Broly again?" Cheelai asked, "Well yeah, but there was another reason. Though I would like to talk about with Broly too. Where is he?" Goku asked, "He's out, probably training." Cheelai responded, soon enough Broly returned, his appearance catching Erza off guard.

 "This is Broly? He may look strong, but not as strong as you told me." Erza whispered to Goku. "Trust me, he is."Goku whispered back. "Alright, what's the real reason you're here?" Lemo asked, Goku then explained all that has happened. "Right, and you want Broly to help you fight Frieza? I think that's a no." Cheelai said, "What? But why?" Erza asked, "I don't want Broly fighting that guy. It was him that practically caused Broly to lash out even more." Cheelai explained,

 "I know, that's why I had something in mind." The group looked at Goku, "I want you and Lemo to come with us too!" Goku said with a smile. "Are you crazy? What help could we possibly do?" Lemo asked, "Easy, the way you help me here." "Which is?" "You guys, or more precisely Cheelai, can calm Broly down if he starts to lose control." Goku explained, Cheelai thought about it. "What do you say, Broly? Want to help them?" 

"Wait, are you serious?" Lemo asked Cheelai, to which she nodded. "I think I should help. Kakarot was the one who's been helping me control my power. I owe it to him." Broly answered. "Alright then, you can count on us to help." Cheelai said giving her signature hand gesture. "So when do we head back with ya?" Lemo asked, "Oh, you don't need to worry about coming with us yet. When we need you, I'll let you know when we do." Goku explained, Goku and Erza then had a meal with the three, and afterwards... 

"Man that was good! Well, now that I had my fill of food. Broly, let's have a sparring match." Goku said, "Are you sure?" Broly asked, which Goku said yes immediately. "Then let's find a place for you two to let loose." Lemo said, and so they went to a part of the land that was empty and flat. "Alright, pay close attention Erza! You're about to see how strong Broly is!" Goku shouted to her. "Right, just be careful!" Erza shouted back. "Ready when you are, Broly." Goku said, getting into his stance. Broly nodded, then launched himself at Goku.

 "Yah!" Broly threw a punch, which Goku blocked, but still sent him back. Goku began fighting back, but the more attacks he got in, the more Broly grew stronger. Broly then began to fire off green blasts of energy, which Goku countered with blasts of his own. "You're good, let's kick it up a notch. YAAH!" Goku went super saiyan and began firing at Broly.

 "RRRRR...YAAAH!!!!" Broly began to power up as well, tapping into his Oozaru power. ["So much energy!"] Erza thought as she continued to watch the fight. "Powering up already? Fine, take this!" Goku once again fired balsts, but Broly powered through. Broly then grabbed Goku and began thrashing him around. "Goku!" "ARGH! Kame... hame... ha!" Goku fired his attack so he could get some distance between them.

 "Alright, guess I have to do this again... Yaaah!" Goku summoned more energy, and turned god. "What? I haven't  seen Goku like that." Erza said, as this was her first time seeing the Super Saiyan God form. "Try keeping up with this." Goku began using instant transmission to appear in different places. Broly kept looking around, and just as Goku was about to land his attack when Broly grabbed him by the head and did something similar from the movie.

 "ARGH!!!" Goku was dragged through the ground and thrown to where the others were watching. "Goku! Are you ok-Ah!" Before Erza could check on him, Broly grabbed him again and threw him once more. "Ah..." Goku was already having trouble facing Broly in his Rage form, but chose not to go blue, yet. "Man... you really know how to put up a fight. But I'm far from done!" Goku charged at Broly and the two began to get hit after hit on each other.

 "YAAHH!!!" Broly powered up once again, going super saiyan. "Alright, guess we're doing this now. RRRRR....HAAAAA...YAH! Ha.... YYYYYYAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Goku bursted into his blue form and went back to fighting. But as the fight continued, Erza grew more and more worried until, "I can't watch anymore. Requip! Robe of Yuen!" Erza transformed, then charged in to help Goku. "Erza, get back-ARGH!" Goku tried to get to her, but Broly slammed him into the ground. 

"Take this!" Erza slammed her bisento into Broly, but there was no effect. Broly turned his attention to the fairy tail member, in which Erza froze up. ["Just his stare is intimidating!"] Erza thought, as no words could come out. "YYYYAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! Yah!" Broly powered to his full power and rushed Erza, using a green ball of energy to strike her. 

"ERZA!" Goku dashed towards the two, and slammed into Broly. "Your fight's with me!" Broly turned his attention back to Goku and began to charge at him. "KA...ME... HA... ME...HAAAAAA!!!!!!" Goku put all his power into it. The beam engulfed Broly, so Goku powered down.

 "That should do it-ah!" Goku looked to see Broly on his feet, seemingly unfazed by the attack. "That didn't do it?!" Erza said in disbelief, as she jumped to Goku's side. "YYYAAAAHH!!!" Broly began to charge at the two, both of which were bracing for the attack when, "Ok Broly! That's enough!" Cheelai shouted, Broly heard and began to calm down. "That-pant-was-pant-intense." Erza said, "Yeah... told ya-pant-he was strong." Goku said, as he helped Erza back to the cave.

 "Here, have one of these." Goku handed Erza a senzu bean, and she was instantly back to full strength. "Amazing. I feel good as new." "That's the power of senzu bean for ya. So Broly, I have to say, you've gotten a lot stronger." Goku said, "Thanks... Though I could still use some more control." Broly said, 

"Well, I think it's time we head back. We still have a dragon ball to find." Goku said as he grabbed his backpack. "So when should we be expecting you again?" Cheelai asked, "When I know we need you, but for now... See ya soon!" Goku said as he instant transmissioned out of the cave. "Did he just leave without me?" Erza asked with a dumbfounded face. That's when Goku came back. "Heh, heh, heh. Sorry about that. Come on, let's get going." Erza then put her hand on Goku's shoulder. "It was a pleasure seeing your power." Erza said to Broly, and then the two left.

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