Frieza emerges at Capsule Corps. Gogeta returns!

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"Here you go, the dragon ball." Naruto said as he handed the ball over to Lucy. "Thanks! Now we just have two more to find." Lucy said to the rest of the group. "Hey Naruto, I was meaning to ask. Do you think you'd be able to join us in finding the last dragon balls?" Goku asked, "Sorry, but I have a job here, protecting the village." Naruto said, Goku thought for a moment then said, "I know, can I come get you if we need your help?" Naruto thought about it,

 "Yeah that's fine. But how are you going to come back?" "Yeah, it took us a while to get here." Lucy pointed out, "Don't worry, I got a sense of what your energy is like. As long as I can sense that, I'll be able to reach you." Goku answered. Natsu listened very closely to what Goku meant, then it clicked. "Oh yeah, you can use that teleport thingy right?" "Instant transmission, yeah. Speaking of which, we better get going." Goku told the others to hold onto him. 

" We'll see you soon." Goku said to Naruto as the group left back to capsule corps. The group arrived land gave the dragon ball to Bulma. "You guys were gone for a while." Gray said, "The place that was supposed to have the dragon ball didn't, so we went to where the person told us he sent it." Lucy explained to the other fairy tail members. "So, how were things here while we were gone?" Goku asked, 

"18 totally kicked Erza and Ryuko's butts!" Goten said, "Hey! We were close to winning!" Ryuko shouted from the other room. "It's good to see that you're back to normal." Vegeta said to Bulma, "Aw! Did you miss how beautiful I looked?" Bulma said with a smile. "As if... it would just be a pain to have a child as my wife." Vegeta said, shrugging off Bulma.

 Then Lucy whispered to Bulma, "He was thinking about you on our way to get the dragon ball~." Bulma smiled, "You do love me."  Bulma said resting her head on Vegeta. "I thought I could trust you." Vegeta said as he looked at Lucy, who gave a scared smile as she slowly backed away. "Now that we have five, which dragon ball should we look for next?" All Might asked, the group began discussing what would be the next destination to go to, but they didn't know that soon they would be visited by an old foe.

In the League of Villains base...

"You want to use my Nomus? For what may I ask?" Tomura asked, "I had seen footage of how strong these creatures are, and that it was on par with the number one hero. Which is why I'd like to bring them with me as I deliver a message." Frieza explained, Tomura thought it over, then finally answered. "I'll let you take one. You can understand right?" Frieza chuckled, "Of course, what reason do we have to fully trust each other yet, correct?" Tomura nodded, then told Twice to give him the Nomu.

 "Right away, Boss! By the way don't screw this up." Twice said to Frieza, "I plan not to, now then. I'll be on my way." Frieza commanded the Nomu to follow him through the portal. Frieza then went to Honnouji academy. "Ms.Kiryuin, I require your assistance." Frieza said, "Yes Lord Frieza. How may I be of service?" Satsuki asked, though in her mind she hating asking that. "I require a guard. Come, now." Frieza said, motioning her to follow him.

 "Satsuki complied, though not happily and left with Frieza. "I still can't believe we have to take orders from him." Uzu said, as the elite four watched them leave. Soon, Frieza arrived at Capsule Corps, making sure to hide his energy. "Why are we here?" Satsuki asked, "You're about to find out...YYYAAAHHH!!!" Frieza unleashed his energy, as he went golden. In Capsule Corps, everyone could see the bright light, while the Z-fighters felt Frieza's energy. 

"What the?! What's going on?!" Uraraka asked, "It's Frieza." The heroes ran out to see why Frieza was here. "Hello monkey. Let's have a chat, shall we?" Frieza said, "Wha? (Why is Satsuki with him?)." Ryuko thought as she noticed Satsuki to Frieza's right. "No way, he has a Nomu with him." Deku said, "What do you want Frieza?" Goku asked, "I simply wanted to chat, Goku. is that so wrong-?" "Just tell us why you're here." Vegeta said, cutting off Frieza. "Very well. First, I'd like to tell you that I have recently joined an alliance, one that has all the members together." Frieza started, "You? Join an alliance? Please." Vegeta said, 

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