The first dragon ball is found! Confronting fairy tail member,Erza.

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"I've been meaning to ask, Kakarot. Did you bring any senzu beans?" Vegeta asked as the two were taking a break. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did. Let's see...We have five senzu beans." Goku said, looking through the sack the beans were in. [beep-beep-beep] "The radar's going off." Goku took out the radar and checked it. "It says the dragon ball is...There." Goku walked a few feet and pointed to a small town. "I can also sense strong power levels emanating from there as well." Vegeta said, "I wonder who they belong to." Goku asked, "Out of my way, Hot head!" "No! You get out of my way, Ice freak!" Both Natsu and Gray began to brawl in the guild.

 "Can you two stop fighting for one day?!" Lucy shouted and before she could get an answer, the two stopped as Erza walked in. "Back from your mission already?" Lucy asked, "To be fair, it was very easy... Well, for me at least." Erza said taking a seat. "Hey Erza, what's that you're holding." Happy asked pointing to Erza's hand. "Oh this? I found it on my way back. An orb with three stars on it." Erza said putting the orb on the table. "What're you going to do with it?" Gray asked, "I was planning on selling it to get money for repairs to the guild." Erza explained, 

"Wow, that would be-" Lucy was caught off guard as the door burst open. "Alright, which one of you has the dragon ball?" Vegeta asked, he then looked over to see it in Erza's hand. "You! Hand over the dragon ball, now!" Vegeta demanded, Erza stood up and walked over to Vegeta. "Why should I hand it over?" Erza asked, "I'll only say this once, hand it over peacefully or we'll take it by force." Lucy and the others looked behind Vegeta,

 "Uh, there's only you." Lucy said, "What?!" Vegeta looked back to see no one. [An outline of Goku blinks at where he should be] "Oh man! This place has so many awesome foods!" Goku said as he walked from food stand to food stand. "Damn it, Kakarot! Nevermind, I'll take you on myself." Vegeta said, Erza then summoned her sword. "You're welcome to try..."

(Short chapter, there may be another or two more that are short but I hope you like it.)

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