Team Gotenks is here! Unleash the Virgo Dynamite Smash!

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"Ha, ha, ha! Well then, number one hero. I'll be sure to make quick work you." Frieza said as he began to approach All Might. "I don't hear anything." Kirishima said, "Let me try-Uh!" Jiro was about to approach the door when a loud bang came from the other side. "What was that?!" Ashido asked, [BANG!]

 "Maybe it's All Might beating the bad guy?" Mineta, [BANG!] After that bang, there was silence. "Maybe we won-Ah!" Then the door burst open and All Might landed in front of the students. "All Might!" Then Frieza walked in, "Oh? More heroes? But what's this? It seems as though they can't hold a candle to even me in my first form. I won't need to get involved this time... Get them." Frieza ordered and the soldiers began to charge.

 "What do we do?" Kaminari asked, then Bakugo blasted forward. "We kick their asses!" Iida then sighed, "We don't have a choice. Class 1-A, let's get them!" The rest of the class joined Bakugo and began to fight back. "Well, perhaps I was wrong. These child heroes seem to possess some power. Though, it still isn't a match for me." Frieza said as he continued to watch. The soldiers were easily being beaten by the students. 

"Hmmm... -Sigh-, seems I'll have to get involved after all." Frieza then dashed forward and then punched the wind out of Kirishima. "No way! He took out Kirishima in one blow." Deku said, "We'll need to be more cautious with him." Todoroki said, but sadly Frieza was easily taking down the students. "You're next, green hair." Frieza said then began to dash at Deku.

 "Deku!" "Midoriya, watch out!" Uraraka and Iida shouted, but then, "Super Headbutt Attack!" "ARGH!" Frieza was then slammed into a wall. "Da! Da! Da! Da! Get ready Frieza, because now, team Gotenks is here!" "I told you I didn't agree with that name!" Lucy shouted, catching Gotenks by surprise.

Frieza then began to get up. "Lucy, Gray, help those kids. I got Frieza." Gotenks said, "He does know he's younger them them right?" Happy said to Lucy and Gray. "Just go help them!" Gotenks said, "Right, ice breaker magic! Ice spikes!" Gray shouted, as sharp spikes of ice began to pop up. "You kids ok?" Lucy asked, "Yeah, but who are you guys?" Uraraka asked, 

"My name is Lucy, and we're here to help you guys. Alright, time to throw my hat into the ring. Gate of the maiden key, summon the maid, Virgo!" Lucy used her celestial key and Virgo appeared. "What do you need, Princess?" Virgo asked, "Virgo, beat up those lizard guys." Virgo bowed then sprung into action. 

"Try this one, Frieza. Die die missile barrage!" Gotenks fired the energy blasts and Frieza began to counter with his blasts. "I won't lose to two child monkeys! Huh? Where did they-Argh!" "Miracle sucker punch!" Gotenks then nailed Frieza in the face, sending him to the floor. "Ha! Ha! Looks like we've got the upper-uh oh, something feels weird-wah!" Suddenly Gotenks defused. "This is bad." Trunks said, then Frieza appeared behind the two with a smirk on his face. "Seems you were wrong." Frieza then blasted the boy to the ground.

"Waaaaa! Ow! That hurt ..." Trunks said as he hit the ground. "Waaaa! Mmph! Hey everything got dark.Huh?" Goten lifted his head to see that he landed on someone's boobs. "Huh? Uh-ah!" Yoayorozu screamed as she covered her breasts. "Ah! Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Goten shouted, "Interesting, that one child was actually two kids." Iida said,

 "What kind of quirk is that? Tsu asked, "The bigger question is, what the hell happened to that Gotenks kid?" Gray asked as he continued to fend off the soldiers with Virgo. "I knew we fused to early." Trunks said, "Can you two do that fuse thing again?" Happy asked, "Yeah, but we'll need time." Goten said, "Got it, Virgo!" Virgo turned to Lucy, "Buy Trunks and Goten some time and fight him." Lucy said pointing to Frieza , who floated down and stood face to face with her. 

"Oh please. A woman like her can't hur-Argh!" Frieza then fell to his knees, clutching his stomach. 'The hell? That actually hurt...That actually hurt!" Frieza then tried to land a few punches but Virgo blocked them. "My turn...Haaa!" Virgo began to throw an onslaught of punches which were as fast as Frieza's. 

"How can you attack so quickly?" Frieza asked, "I adapted to the same speed you throw your punches. So now I can keep up with you." Then Virgo and Frieza began to fight. "Ok, now you guys can fuse." Lucy said, "um, about that..." "You have to wait 30 minutes to fuse?!" The rest of team Gotenks shouted in shock. Virgo and Frieza continued to battle but soon Frieza began to get very angry. "That's... It! Yaaahh!!!" That's when Frieza transformed.

 "Now you face, Golden Frieza!" Frieza shouted as he powered up. Frieza then started to charge at Virgo when, "Super donut!" "Ah! What the-? I can't move!" Frieza shouted, "Yo, Virgo! I have an attack to take out Frieza, but I'll need your help." Gotenks said, Virgo nodded and jumped to Gotenks side. "Hey, do any of you guys have super strength?" Gotenks asked, "I believe Midoriya has something like that." Yaoyorozu said, "Good, then I'll need you too." Gotenks then told Virgo and Deku his idea. 

"Do we really have to shout out the attack?" Deku asked, "I agree with the green haired boy. Do we really have to shout it out?" Virgo added, "Yeah! It makes it sound cooler." Gotenks said, soon Virgo lifted up Gotenks and Deku hopped on Gotenks' shoulders. ["Here goes... One for all, full calling."] Deku thought as he powered up. 

"Now!" Gotenks said as he released Frieza and then Virgo bursted forward. "Virgo!" "Dynamite!" "SMASH!" Deku connected the punch and sent Frieza through a wall. "They did it!" Everyone cheered, "YAAHH! I won't go down so easily!" Frieza said as he burst through the wall. "Gotenks, any other ide-uh?!" Gray then saw Gotenks defuse. "Sorry, we didn't wait the full 30 minutes." "Yeah, so we didn't have a lot of time to stay fused." Trunks and Goten explained, Frieza looked up and saw that the two were diffused and a smile spread across his face.

 "HA! HA! HA! That was your downfall!" Frieza said as he flew back up. "Now you will all witness your deaths at my hand-Ah!" Frieza was about to charge up a death ball when he felt someone grab onto his wrist very hard. "How about you face me now, Frieza?"

"Dad?!" Goten shouted, then Erza, Natsu, and Vegeta rushed in. "uh, Dad-." "We're having a serious talk when we get home!" Vegeta shouted, terrifying Trunks, "Well then, Frieza? Are you gonna try your luck against me?" Goku asked as he turned super saiyan.

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