Meliodas and Ryuko vs the dark elf twins! The battle to face Ainz,begins!

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"So, are we just to take you all on at once?" Goku asked the guardians. "Well of-?! Is that what we are going to do, Lord?" Albedo asked, "You will have three matches. If you are able to win at least two of the three matches, I will allow you to fight me." Ainz explained, "Ok, so which one of you will we be fighting first then?" Erza asked, "Your first match will be against Aura and Mare." Ainz gestured for the twins to step forward. "You want us to fight kids?" Natsu asked,

 "Trust me, my brother and I are pretty strong." Aura said, "Wait he's a boy?!" Natsu shouted, "That's not important, Natsu. So I'm guessing we need two people to fight them?" Naruto asked, "That is correct, so choose who will be fighting them." Ainz said, the group huddled together and began to discuss who to choose. "So who are we going to send out to fight them?" Natsu asked, "Maybe one of you guys could fight." Deku said to Vegeta and Goku. 

"That would make things easy, but even though I can't read their energy; I can still tell they're strong." "That right, and if we are going to fight Ainz, Kakarot and I need to be at full power." Vegeta said, "I'll do it." Everyone looked at Meliodas. "Are you sure?" Erza asked, "Yup, don't worry. But it would be good to have a partner." " I'll be your partner then." Ryuko said, "Then we have our first two?" Naruto asked, and everyone agreed.

 "Ok, we chose who's gonna fight those two girls!" Goku shouted, "I'm a boy..." Mare said shyly. "Very well, if the two could step forward to face your opponents." Ainz said, and both Meliodas and Ryuko stepped forward. "Ready Ryuko?" Meliodas asked, Ryuko smirked and began to transform. "Let's go Senket!" "You got it, Ryuko!" "Alright, battle armor! Kamui, senketsu!" Ryuko had then transformed into her battle uniform. "Let the match, begin!" Ainz shouted as Aura sprinted forward taking out her whip.

 " Here they come, get ready." Meliodas said as he got into a stance. "But why is only one coming at us?" Ryuko asked, "Ground strike!" Mare then used his magic to create a pillar of ground to strike at the two. "Woah!" Both Meliodas and Ryuko barely dodged it, but then Aura used her whip to grab onto Meliodas and slammed him to the ground. "Argh!" "Meliodas!" Ryuko tried to get to her partner, but Mare made a wall of dirt rise in front of her. "Come on!" "Vine snare!" Mare used another spell and vines began to wrap around Ryuko's body.

 "This isn't looking good." Goku said as the others watched on. "Come on little boy. I thought you were supposed to be tough." Aura said as she continued to slam Meliodas to the ground. "You do know I'm older, right?!" Meliodas said in between getting thrown around. "Yeah right, I'm 76 years old. You can't be older than that." "Try being over three thousand years old, then get back to me." Meliodas said, causing Aura to stop. "You're over three thousand?" 

"Heh,heh, yup. But you know... you shouldn't get caught off guard by your opponent, yah!" Meliodas then used the tip of his broken sword to cut the end of Aura's whip. "No way!" "Take this!" Meliodas lunged forward and landed a kick to Aura's stomach. "Argh!" "And one more for safety!" Meliodas delivered another kick to Aura's face. "Don't worry, Ryuko! I'm coming!" Meliodas began to run to his partner, but Mare began to use another spell. 

"Ground wave!" A giant wave of dirt began to head towards Meliodas. "I don't think so, full counter!"Meliodas swung his sword, and the attack was sent back at full force. "Ah!" Mare jumped out of the way, barely getting grazed. "Looks like you could use some help." Meliodas said as he saw Ryuko tied up by the vines. "Ha-ha... just get me out before-." "Oof!" Aura had then punched Meliodas, sending him back a bit. 

"I don't think so." Aura got out her whip once more, this time being a bit shorter than before. "You think you can beat me with that?" Meliodas asked, "That's right, plus, Mare is still at a 100%." Aura said as she pointed to her brother. "Wanna know how I'm over three thousand years old?" Aura looked a bit confused, but answered. "Kinda?" "Heh... alright." Meliodas said as a smirk crossed his face, dark energy began to form around him.

 "The answer's really simple..." ["Wait, don't tell me..."] Ainz thought as he saw Meliodas begin to form marks on his face. "I'm a demon..." "No... way..." "H-he's a demon?" The twins couldn't believe it. "Arua, Mare, snap out of it!" Albedo shouted, but the two seemed frozen in place as they could feel the intense energy Meliodas was giving off. 

"Let's see how well you stack up against me now... haaa!" Meliodas exploded forward punching Aura in the gut so hard, it caused her to spit out blood. "Ack!" "Heh,heh... you're next." Meliodas said as he turned his attention to Mare. "Hey Meliodas, maybe help me first?" Ryuko said as she was still trying to break free from the vines. "Yeah... after I'm done with him..." Meliodas said, not even looking at her. "Something's off." Vegeta said, 

"You're right, I can sense it too." Naruto added, "Looks like I got this fight in the bag!"Meliodas said as he ran at Mare. "Ah! Arua!" Mare shouted, Arua managed to get to her feet and used her whip to throw Ryuko at Meliodas. "Watch out!" "Hyah!" The next thing that Meliodas saw was his sword in Ryuko's ribs. "Ah..." Seeing this, Meliodas seemed to snap back to his normal self. "Huh? Ryuko!" Meliodas caught Ryuko as the two landed on the ground. "Damn it! I shouldn't have done that!" Meliodas said as he carefully pulled his sword out. 

"Are you going to continue the fight?" Ainz asked, Meliodas looked at him, then at the twins. "I..." He then looked at Ryuko, who was unconscious. "No... no I'm done..." Meliodas said as he walked back to the others, carrying Ryuko. "Here, let me see her." Erza said, Meliodas gently putting Ryuko on the ground. 

"The stab wound isn't deep, so that's good. I think she'll be ok." Erza said, "Well then, it seems my guardians have won the first match." Ainz said as Aura and Mare walked back to their Lord. "You'll need to win the next two matches if you want to have a chance at facing me." Ainz said, the group now concerned even more.

 "Damn... what now?" Vegeta asked, "This is our only chance of saving our worlds. So, we'll need to keep going." Goku said, "Right, so who's our next opponent?" Natsu asked, "Demiurge, step forward." Ainz said, and Demiurge did so. "Now, who do I have the pleasure of fighting?"

To be continued...

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