Reddie - Soulmate

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We all know that Richie would smell that hoodie everyday until the smell ran out.

Eddie felt the pain. Everyday. He hates being in a world where he felt the pain of his soulmate. That he didn't even know! Stan felt the pain that Bill goes through. Ben feels the pain Beverly goes through. Eddie, at 15, started to think that he would never meet his soulmate.
"I swear, I'm never going to meet my soulmate." Eddie says. He watches Stan and Bill look at each other. Their eyes filled with all the love in the world.
"Stop saying that Eddie. You'll meet him. You never know, he may go to our school!" Bill exclaims.
"It's different for you. You met yours at 6." Eddie grumbles. Then, Eddie starts to feel the pain again. In his left cheek, his jaw, everywhere. He starts to tear up. Bill and Stan are used to seeing Eddie cry. For one thing, Eddie is a very emotional person and his soulmate goes through a load of pain.
"Soulmate, getting hurt again?" Stan asks.
"I guess so." Eddie chokes out.
"Let's go to the quarry." Bill suggests.
All 3 of them leaves Bill's house. Bill and Stan's hands linked together like always. Eddie feels a little jealous. He wants that. As they past the alley of Keene's pharmacy, Eddie starts to feel the pain again. He sees the infamous jokester, Richie Tozier getting beaten up by Henry Bowers once again.
"Wait, Stan you go and help Richie and I'll stay here with Eddie." Bill suggests. Stan runs off.
"It feels like I'm getting cut in the cheek!" Eddie shouts. The pain decreases dramatically as Richie gets pulled away from Bowers. That's when Eddie and Richie realize.
They are each other's soulmates.

Reddie, Byler, and Stenbrough ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now