Byler - Date

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"Will, Mike is here to pick you up!" Joyce exclaims. Will puts on his tattered of brand Converse and walks outside. Where Mike accompanies him. Mike, dressed in a polo and khaki takes one look at Will and falls more in love with him.
"You look amazing, Will." Mike says. He takes Will's hand. The comment and gesture sends the smaller of the two boys in a permanent blush.
"Thanks, Mikey. You too." Will replies. When Mike and Will finally get to the big field, Mike sets up a blanket and gets out the food.
"Mike, you made fettuccine Alfredo! My favorite!" Will exclaims. The sudden excitement makes Mike's heart melt.
"I made it special for you." Mike whispers. Will lays on Mike's lap as he eats his fettuccine Alfredo while they watch the sunset. Will kisses Mike, Mike obviously kisses back.
"Dang, you are so cute Byers." Mike shouts.
"I'm not, Wheeler!"
The two boys, who are clearly in love fight over the littlest thing. Mike picks Will up and carries him home.


Reddie, Byler, and Stenbrough ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now