Byler - Dance

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Of course Mike was going to dance with Eleven. What was I kidding? I thought to myself as a run my hands through my bowl cut. I have liked Mike for years and he falls in love with a girl in a week?
"Will, it's time to go!" My Mom exclaims. I get in the car, I was prepared to sit and do nothing. Max has Lucas, Dustin has Susie, and Mike has El.
(A/N:in this Susie lives in Hawkins)
My Mom drops me off and I trudge in.
"Will!" I could recognize that voice anywhere, Mike's voice. I see Eleven with him. I act so happy for them.
"Are you guys excited for your first dance as a couple?" I ask.
"Oh, we're not going as a couple. We're just going as friends." Mike states.
We all go in. After about 10 regular songs, a slow song comes on.
Don't cry, Will. You should be used to it.
I just sit there and watch all of my friends dance with someone. When I see Mike kiss Eleven, that's when the tears start to swarm my eyes, blurring my vision. I run out of the gym to the nearest bathroom.
*Mike's Pov*
When I see Will run out of the gym, I can't stop thinking about Will.
"El, I have to go and check on Will. I just saw him run out and he's been alone almost this whole dance." I explain.
"But, the dance isn't over." El says, obliviously.
"El, I'm sorry. I've had feelings for Will for a while and I've been scared to tell anyone." I tell her. I prepare for the worst.
"If you really love him. Go and get him." El whispers. I thank El and I run out. I go to the bathroom.
"Will, you in here?" I ask. I hear small sniffles. I know it's Will but, there's no response.
"Will, I know your in here. Come on!" I say.
"Mike, go away." Will tells me.
"Will, what's wrong?" I question.
"I don't want to tell you. It's stupid!" Will exclaims. I start to jiggle the lock. I know it's not good but it's my best friend and crush. Will opens the door.'his eyes are bloodshot red. I can spot the obvious tear tracks.
"Will, please, tell me what's wrong." I tell him.
"No because you're going to judge me and hate me. It's just I was by myself this whole night, after the whole upside down thing it's hard to be alone. It's so hard to see you with El when I have liked you forever!" Will yells. More tears threaten to spill.
"Will, I don't like El. I like you. I wanted you to be my boyfriend. How does that sound?"

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