Reddie - Quarry

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"Eds, are you ready to go?" I ask. I look over at my boyfriend who is packing a bag with all of his meds and stuff.
"Don't call me that, I never gave you permission to!" Eddie yells.
"Technically, you did give her permission when you agreed to be his boyfriend." Stan states. Eddie rolls his eyes and I start to tickle him.
"Richie, stop!" Eddie exclaims. He starts to giggle and my heart melts.
"Let's go, Eddie. I'm supposed to meet Bill!" Stan yells. When we finally leave, Stan goes ahead of us. I look over at Eddie.
So in love with this boy.
"I love you, Baby." I whisper.
"I love you too, my Love." Eddie smiles. When we get to the quarry, Mike, Ben, Bev, and Bill are already there. Stan goes running over to Bill. Everyone start to jump into the quarry. Eddie stays behind.
"Eddie, come on!" I exclaim.
"Chee, I-I." Eddie stutters our before busting into tears. I wrap my arms around him.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"My Mom, shes making me feel fat. I don't blame her I could lose some pounds." Eddie says.
"No, No, Eddie, you're perfect in every way. You don't have any ounce of fat on you." I confirm. Eddie lays his head on my chest and smiles.

Reddie, Byler, and Stenbrough ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now