Stenbrough - Clubhouse

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"Babe, you're here!" Stan exclaims.
"Yeah. It's hard to see you anymore with my parents and stuff." Bill says. He pecks Stan's lips. They sit on the hammock, Bill wraps his arms around Stan.
"Stan, I think we should tell the Losers' we're dating first. They were all accepting to Richie and Eddie." Bill whispers. He puts on his shower cap. Stan smiles due to Richie and Eddie not putting it on the day before.
"I agree. We have to tell our parents sometime, Babe." Stan says.
"Let's tell mine first." Bill states. Stan agrees. They just lay in the hammock and listen to music. Occasionally giving each other quick kisses. They knew what they were doing was wrong to society. Especially to Derry citizens. Stan and Bill has to be extra cautious since Adrian Mellon got killed.
"I love you, Stan." Bill says into Stan's neck. It comes out more of a grumble but it sent Stan into a fit of giggles.
"I love you too, Billy." Stan replies.

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