Reddie - Meeting Parents

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This is going to be the one one shot that you may ever see where Sonia, Maggie, and Wentworth aren't assholes. Also, this is set in 2019.
*Eddie meets Wentworth and Maggie*
"Eds, you look great! Are you ready to meet the infamous Wentworth and Maggie Tozier?" Richie asks. I can feel my face start to heat up and at the snap complement from Richie.
"I'm nervous, Chee. What if they don't like me?" I question.
"Let's not play the 'what if', Babe. They're going to love it, I know it!" Richie exclaims. Richie takes my hand and leads me into the kitchen.
"Mom, Dad, this is Eddie. My boyfriend." Richie says, whispering the last two words.
"Hi, Eddie. It's nice to finally meet you." Maggie says, hugging me. I hug back awkwardly.
"Mom, you've met Eddie 1,000,000 times before." Richie explains.
"But the first time as your boyfriend!" Maggie shouts.
"It's nice to meet you, Eddie." Wentworth says, I shake his hand. Dinner wasn't that bad, a couple of random questions.
"So, how has Richie been treating you Eddie?" Both of them ask at one time. I look at Richie.
"He's treating me great! He's the best boyfriend I could ever ask for." I explain. I squeeze Richie's hand and he smiles.
*Richie meets Sonia*
"Momma, this is Richie." I say. I tug Richie into the kitchen.
"Hello." My Mom says flatly. My Mom wasn't as open to me being gay but, after a while she say how happy I was with Richie. Richie shakes her hand and we all sit down.
"So, Richard, how are you treating my Eddie? You know how fragile he is, with his asthma and all." Sonia asks.
"Richie, treating me amazing Momma!" I yell.
My Mom is taken back by my sudden tone. Richie grabs my hand.
"Richard, can I talk to you alone?" My Mom asks. I go in the living room. When Richie comes into the living room, he's smiling.
"She said that she loves me!" Richie exclaims.
They couldn't be happier.

Idek what to write.

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