Reddie - Unlocked Window

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"Eddie, leave your window unlocked for me." Richie whispers, biting my ear lobe.

*3:38 am*
Knock. Knock. Knock. It's Richie.
I get up, just in my boxers. I knew Richie would love it, I know Richie and I have been dating for a year and a half but I always want to impress him. I draw the shutters, I look at Richie outside in the pouring rain. I open the window and Richie climbs in.
"Eds, I'm sorry I didn't call. My Dad, he took out the pipe this time Eddie." Richie sobs outs. I hate seeing Richie like this, his Dad has always been an abusive alcoholic. I wrap my arms around him, letting him sob into my shoulder. When Richie pulls away, he looks at me, and smiles.
"Can I have my sweats and hoodie so I can change?" Richie asks. I hand him the clothes.
"Chee, can we cuddle?" I ask. Richie climbs in bed next to me. He opens his arms for me and I crawl into them.
"You have to get out of there, Babe." I whisper.
"I know, Baby. I got you in my arms, I'm happy." Richie states. I smile.
"He threatened to hurt you." He whispers.
"No, No, Richie, he's been hurting you for a while and your worried about him hurting me?" I question.
"Eds, you're the love of my life, you're the only reason I'm alive still. If he hurts you, he's hurting me more." Richie explains.
"I love you, Baby. Love of Life."

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